Lately I have become bluntly aware how unusual it is to have more than 2, 3, or even 4 children. I am expecting my 7th child and apparently it is acceptable for total strangers to comment on my lack of understanding of the use of birth control. I fully understand the mechanics of reproduction. It would be politically incorrect for me to degrade a mother of an only child or a woman who chooses to not have children but I am continually the butt of negative attention and jokes. I suppose if I were a member of a religious group that celebrated large families I would be able to find support in my community for my choice to mother many children. As of the present I do not belong to such a group. But I am a working professional with a graduate degree. My husband stays at home with the young children during the day. I suppose I am just a minority in my environment. I would welcome any comments from any mother who is in a similar situation.
I believe you have bred one to many times. They all have different daddy's.
ReplyDeleteI am curious as to why you would think that I have had one too many children. I can only guess you feel either 5 children are enough. Or you are counting my current pregnancy and you feel 6 children are enough. As to paternity. I do not live in the stone age and reserve the right to select the father or fathers of my children. I respect the right of a woman to have a different father for each of her children if she chooses. I also respect her right to have no children, one, or many with a single father or even a donor. I have six children and between them all they have three fathers. It is a fact. I am neither proud or ashamed. It is just the way it is.
ReplyDeleteSusan I am so jealous that you got a negative comment! I never get negative comments! Darn it! I want some debate over on my page.
ReplyDeleteThat said, IF you lived in the stone age wouldn't you prefer to have a different dad each time to increase the likelihood of good stock? I mean, sheesh, good stock is sooo hard to find these days... no one would blame you if they did all have different dads! ;)
Thanks for that comment.
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ReplyDeleteThis was a good post -- some interesting comments here. Why do people think that a decision you make about YOUR family is THEIR business?
ReplyDeleteI could go on about "in the old days all families were large" but I think your troll (who doesn't even have the balls to identify his or herself) would only find something wrong with that too.
I know of a few families with more than 5 children. Large families generally produce decent, conscientious children who end up also wanting large families because they see the value in them. I say, way to go Susan for bring more love into the world. We need more love in this world -- and a lot less judging and criticism.
Thank you so much for your openmindedness. I pride myself in accepting others for their uniqueness. We do need more love in this world.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful family, you have. Who cares how it came into fruition?
ReplyDeleteI do think it is interesting how some people feel about big families these days. My husband and I have one child thus far but the plan is to have many more. We both always knew we wanted a big family. We like the idea of growing older and being surrounded by so many loved ones and hopefully grandchildren someday. People ask us how many children we intend on having and we say 10. They laugh and say, "No, really, how many do you want?" We say we are kidding about 10. We would love to have 7. 7 we are serious about but they still think we are joking. It is not a joke but we do state that realistically with various circumstances to take into account we will be happy if we are blessed with at least 5 children. We still get a response of, "Geesh, you're nuts!"
Thanks Meg!!
ReplyDeleteif you want them, can care for them, and handle it....yee haw! I am not that person. I'm just not. I love the two i have and there are days that i feel like i have one too many, though i'd never trade either of them. being an only, i didn't want an only. hub being a middle, didn't want three. so...two is just the right number for us! whatever works for you and your hub...shrug. As long as you can support them..have at it!
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