Sunday, January 24, 2016

What a post-partum doula does.....

There is almost nothing a post-partum doula doesn't do. Housework, childcare, lactation support, emotional support for mom, and so much more.....

Whatever the family needs within reason. I met a new client today...

Monday, January 18, 2016

Etta's well visit

Etta is my tiny baby and may always be.... That is OK but I am a little worried that she hasn't gained weight. She is still getting taller though. Her Provider wants her to increase her protein intake. Her go to was to ask me to give her Pedisure. I just totally disagree with that. Pedisure is laced with chemicals, corn syrup, and useless empty calories. I was worried when I weaned Etta she would loose calories and nutrients but her diet has a lot of variety. She eats everything. She eats eggs, meat, milk, cheese, and yogurt. I really don't see how I can add a lot more protein to her diet. According to Early Intervention she is still globally delayed. According to her medical team she has FTT (failure to thrive) and a speech delay. She is scheduled for more blood work to check on several things. Hopefully we will have answers soon....

Church yesterday....

All about sharing.... that was the theme for the day in the little kids' classes. Lyn hung out with Jayne with the youngest children. Annika and Connor stayed with me through part of the service and then we went to the church library. Connor and I had a nice discussion about the new Star Wars movie. Annika found a philosophy book to dive into. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Happy Birthday Ben!!!

6 years old today!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Ninja

We made a smoothie with the new Ninja blender Granny got for us. Fresh fruit, ice, yogurt, milk, peanut butter,  and herbs went into it. It was super yummy.... I can't wait to make hummus.

Bean soup...

I had my helpers helping me cook tonight. When you stretch your food budget you do bean inventory. Spice it up and and a little bacon for flavor and you have food for days...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

First fire of the season....

Evan and Eliot went on a hunt for tender for a fire tonight. The weather has been cooler. I wasn't quite up for an outdoor fire. I enjoy using my fireplace but have gotten out of practice with it. The way the furniture is arraigned makes it harder to sit in front of it and enjoy or work in front of it. We made it work tonight. Elaina, Eliot, and Etta were my helpers. Each one of them ground the meadow sweet herb for me. Eliot added ashes ftom last season and the seasons before that to the fireplace. As what came before us is added to what is to come... that is what that tepresents. Eliot also made her own firestarter wand. She used pine straw and a piece of the dried Yule tree tied with jute. She tied it with jute. It was actually beautiful as well as functional. She chose to add the piece of the tree. I asked her to get a sprig of rosemary for energy and the aroma. I like her choice better.

My cauldron in the picture holds dried herbs that I have been saving for months. As I have used bits and pieces for other projects or charms I never like to just throw away the extras. I save them to be burned. And that is exactly what I did. The candle that I chose to light was blue. It was chosen for healing. There has been a lot of pain both emotional and physical in my life lately. My heart has been broken. I need healing hence the blue. Of course my Winter Mother joined us. I have salt for protection and Meadowsweet in the mortar to be ground. It is for releasing tension and negativity. White ceremonial sage was added too. Eliot added her firestarter. I had my ashes container that holds ashes from fires past and future. A spoonful was added to the fire. At the end of the season a spoonful will be added to control the give and take. When we finished Eliot and Elaina spread the salt across the threshold at the house.

It was a nice cleansing ritual even if I was tired....

Two years....

 Two years and a lifetime of challenges. I had recovered from my mastectomy. I was about to start chemo. I broke my wrist. Lost all of my ha...