I really enjoyed making these. They are Pagan based meditation beads. I am happy to design any for any need....
I created this blog to allow anyone who wishes to follow the life and times of Susan Betke-Campbell and her family.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
I came across this portrait today at a small thrift store. She is really speaking to me.....
I do believe she wants to live with me.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
What I am reading.....
The first book is the book my church MUUMS group is reading (it is awesome reading by the way!) The second book is what I came across in the classroom where I am now working. I am working with preschoolers even though I prefer working with toddlers. Magic and amber... two of my favorite things so I had to read this Koren folktale during nap time. The reading level is way too old for the classroom but I could modify the story for them when I get the chance.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
My newest order...
I had so much fun putting together my latest Etsy order. Preparing for a Blessingway and supporting a woman to become a mother is very fulfilling. I am so glad I can help provide a few items for the occasion....
Sunday, January 20, 2013
At my church today...
ABC (Alabama's Birth Coalition) was passing out information and asking for voters to write their representatives to help pass the Bill again this year to make CPMs legal to support mothers have homebirths.
I wrote my letter. Where is yours?
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Snow in Alabama
Ben and Eliot were the only kids home to enjoy it. Elaina was asleep. The big kids are all at school....
Playing Dragonology with Annika
Alongside Annika's new dragon night light we started playing Dragonology last night. She caught on quicker than I did. That proves I may not be smarter than this particular 5th grader...
We had fun though....
Sunday, January 13, 2013
In with the New
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Free Giveaway from my Etsy Store and my Personal Library....
I know the gift giving season is over but how about winning something? Simple... To win a copy of this book....
and a buy one get one free item from my Etsy store Motherly Creations all you have to do is follow this blog, follow my Etsy store, share this post on Facebook, Pin this post on Pinterest, or all of the above. Each time you share in one of those ways you will be entered to win a slightly used but still in great shape MOTHERPEACE book by Vicki Noble and a free item from my shop when you buy one item... that is buy one get one free. The free one has to be of equal or lesser value but it is still FREE. That is one FREE book and one FREE item when you buy a first item from Motherly Creations on Etsy. Just comment below that you have pinned, shared, or followed or all of the above and you are entered to win!!
MOTHERPEACE is a companion book to the wonderful round Tarot cards of the same name.
Please leave some kind of identifying information so I can contact you if you when and send you your book and send you your free item from my shop. Good luck and don't forget to use the free shipping code too, TALESKW, when you check out from my Etsy shop. Shop away till the giveaway is over. You can use the free shipping code more than once. At the stroke of midnight on Valentine's Day the winner will be chosen. Good luck. The free code will be in place till the end of February....
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
And that is me 7 months after having Elaina
About 70 pounds and a baby later....
Not too bad if I say so myself. 38 years old. 8 children.... Now if I would actually do a sit up or two I could get that 6 pack of abs I had in my 20s back. I know I can do it.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Yule is over
Yule is over...
Annika changed out our garden flag from our Wheel of the Year collection. Lyn, Eliot, and Elaina are playing in the background. It was actually a warm day today and we played outside a lot.
What Lyn bought...
Lyn ordered a necklace she thought was cool. She was looking for a Beatles or Monkees necklace on Etsy and found this one. I saw the Monkees in concert when I was 13 years old and have always been a fan. I so want her necklace...
Davy Jones will always be missed..
Sunday, January 6, 2013
There is a story here...
I came across this saucer at a thrift store a few weeks ago. It was made in Portmadog, Wales. Of course I snatched it up. My husband's family name originated in Wales and since it has ssuch a magical history I am drawn to all things Welsh..
This saucer is dated as a gift given the year I was born. Thete is a hand written message on the back. I was going to sell this saucer on Ebay but now I believe I will keep it. It has a distinct tie dyed look to it. Having been made in the 1970's no doubt there.
Now, I only have to find a place for it.
Elaina is 7 months old today!
Oh, and welcome my period. This just isn't fair. While I nursed my other children I didn't get a period at all. With Ben I had only a wanna be one in almost 2 years and then had reprieve during Elaina's pregnancy. Is it my age? Is it that she likes tablefood? She still nurses at night a lot. It is payback... for all the times I have bragged to friends and family that breastfeeding ALWAYS keeps me from ovulating. This is definitely payback. I am sure the grandparents are happy that I am not pregnant again but I feel horrible.
Welcome to 7 monthd Elaina!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
A gift
Look at the beautiful painting my friend Jenna made. She felt I should be the owner. Elaina just happened to match so she made it into the photo.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Jenna's Lotus Candleholder
Why did she have to let me see it? Now I want one. At least Elaina got to explore and play with it. I am on the look out for one.
Elaina on the move
She thinks she can crawl. Not yet 7 months old and my baby girl acts like Eliot and Lyn. They were quick with their motor development. She sits on her own and worms her way across the floor. Not quite crawling but she is close.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Let's start the new year off right....
I have this tincture mixture that is available in my Etsy store Motherly Creations. Feel free to stop in and take a look. Right now I am offering free shipping. Just enter the code TALESKW. That will remove any shipping costs. Happy shopping....
Snow Day
We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...
Lately I have become bluntly aware how unusual it is to have more than 2, 3, or even 4 children. I am expecting my 7th child and apparently...
La Leche What? I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. I have always known about the group and knew they offered a lot of informat...