Lighting candles and making hopes and wishes for the new year. And why purple is such a powerful color....
I created this blog to allow anyone who wishes to follow the life and times of Susan Betke-Campbell and her family.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
End of a not so great year....
We did add a new baby to our family this year but I had a lot of losses this year too. I tried so hard to help Annika with her diagnoses and spent a lot of energy on her situation. She chose to live with her father and I let her go. I accept this decision good or bad I accept it. Etta's pregnancy was difficult. We first thought she was going to have genetic abnormalities and then that she might even be stillborn. Then we were told she was going to be very small when born. None of that was true but the stress was unbelievable. Take that with the grief we were given for having 9 children (only 6 live with us) we have had challenges. I also lost my job and we almost lost the house. Lyn's biological father came into the picture making demands right at the time I gave birth which was just bad timing and unrealistic. I am struggling with feeling like a failure at everything even at things I know I am good at.
So I can't really say this was the best year. I am grateful for my new daughter but I am glad this year is over....
Nothing like dragon motivation
Pumping again..... at least I have company. Having a dragon breathing down your neck, does that increase or decrease output? Let's see....
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Great diapers for newborns
Not the best picture from a squirmy 5 week old baby but take a look at the diaper. I bought this diaper off of Etsy more than one and a half years ago. I used it on Ben and Elaina and now on Etta. It adjusts down for a newborn. Ben wore it till he was over 3 years old. It is a bit of a snug fit for chunkier babies but it works great for newborns. Etta almost weighs 8 pounds and this diaper keeps her dry all night. Some of my other diapers leak around her skinny legs. It is a homemade pocket diaper. I only use the one insert that came with it at night. The pictures above show it full before I changed her this morning. I bought two and a few covers from the maker and now wish I had more pockets from her. I went to check out her store. It looks like she is using a new pattern and charging a lot more for her diapers. They look nice but I guess I will have to make do with the old ones I have. The new ones look like they would not work as well for little babies. I even have a video review of the diapers when I first bought them on my YouTube channel. There is a link to it on my sidebar.
New Beginnings for Lyn
It has taken 15 years but Lyn has started to establish a relationship with her biological father. We will see how it goes. He doesn't live locally but it is a start.
Lost children?
Evan and Etta
Ooooo Himalayan Salt Candle Holders....
Thursday, December 26, 2013
What I am reading today...
Monday, December 23, 2013
Beeswax candles are worth it....
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Winter Solstice 2013
All 9 children
It is Connor ' s 13th birthday. I cannot believe I have 3 teenagers. On this Winter Solstice day we ate chocolate cake and watched some Doctor Who. Connor got some Doctor Who graphic novels from me. It has been months since I decided to seperate from Danny, Connor, and Annika. With the coming of the light with Winter Solstice I decided to try to reconnect with them. We shall see what the future holds. In the least....
Happy Birthday Connor....
Friday, December 20, 2013
There is an Oil for That!!!!
Being an independent distributor for Young Living Oils has changed my life. If you have ever wanted to try therapeutic grade essential oil and related products in your life to keep your family healthy in a natural way contact me and ask how you can incorporate them into your day. Or, just go to YLOs website and order under my distributor number to get a discount. There is no limit to the ways they can change your life.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Winter Wednesdays UU style
Monday, December 16, 2013
Collecting firewood
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Working with flame.....
Friday, December 13, 2013
Almost 3 weeks old....
Etta will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. I would say time flies but the last 3 weeks have been a little challenging. Lack of sleep and the ups and downs of breastfeeding combined with a slightly fussy baby make for a tired and stressed out mom and dad. I will say this.... I am not fond of having a baby in a cold season. I just can't seem to get warm and I hate looking for socks for Etta. I much prefer Spring and Summer babies.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Getting bigger.......
We had our WIC appointment today. Etta weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces. She was 19 inches long. Elaina seemed like she had gained a lot of weight but she only gained 2 pounds in the past 2 years. Ben gained one pound. Elaina's iron and my iron was good. At least being a CLC got me out of hearing the breastfeeding education speech. All is good......
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Today at church
Snow Day
We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...
Lately I have become bluntly aware how unusual it is to have more than 2, 3, or even 4 children. I am expecting my 7th child and apparently...
La Leche What? I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. I have always known about the group and knew they offered a lot of informat...