I created this blog to allow anyone who wishes to follow the life and times of Susan Betke-Campbell and her family.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Good old fashioned drawing salve
Monday, February 22, 2021
A Monday
It was a busy day. I ran errands without Eli. He got to visit with Granny. I am lookinf at going back to work but before an interview can take place I had to get a routine drug test. No biggie, just no kids allowed. A quick visit to a lab in a drugstore led me to look at make-up. Not sure why but I bought some. I don't wear it. I don't understand it. Maybe watching midnight make-up tutorials have me intetested in just the artistic process. I don't let my girls wear it. I never learned how. I guess a midlife mini crisis. I then went to the food pantry. I was thinking of my big kids. I haven't seen them minus Lyn in almost a year. I got a box for them too. I called and emailed but I didn't get a response. So, I just drove out to their home. They all came out. I got an updated on everyone. Some have been sickand some are sick. I'll just leave it at that. Dan has 2 chickens and they are good egg layers. He showed them off to me and gave me 2 eggs. Their Dad is doing OK and bought them each a car. None have driver's licenses but maybe one day. I told them the little kids would really like to see them. Annika is strickly following stay at home orders but is OK with some Facetime. We'll figure something out. It was nice talking to them. Connor did most of the talking.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Busy day...
I am really a home body. Today I went to the pool. I was in a part of town that had a lot of memories. I almost had a panic attack. All I can think of is past faliures and perceived faliures. My work out was ok. Then after a nap I took 4 kids to the new park again.. Hopefully I can sleep well tonight.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Home for Evan
Evan's whirlwind year so far has been intetesting. His homeschool journey may start earlier this year. His medications for his eye infection are just really hard on him.
Friday, February 12, 2021
Young Living Dry Skin Serum
A new look for a favorite. I don't do much by way of skin care. Some lotion, some exfoliation, general washing, that is about it. For skin care I have liked this combo oil for years. I finally ran out and am about to open a new bottle.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
A warm day....
Alabama weather is so unpredictable. It was nearly 70 degrees today. That usually means it should storm tonight. Ted is feeling better. I guess he just had a 24ish bug. He didn't miss any work. The kids are still out of school for the rest of the week.
Well, there is a new park in town. We tried it out a bit late in the day. It was made in a very rustic style. Four kids came to get some energy out and I took the opportunity to study before it got too dark. Too bad there weren't any lights.
Thankful for adult diapers?
Of course I am...
So thankful... Unless you have a special needs child this may not mean as much. When I made a trip to a food bank they had taken our family history in the past and had pads and diapers ready for me. These are really expensive and someone probably donated them after a loved one passed away. I am grateful to that family. After working in Hospice I saw families just throw away unused supplies. Please let people know they can donate... This picture represents months of savings for our family.
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Sick Dad....
Anxiety and stress.... Ted is sick. Fatigue and fever are his main symptoms. The kids' school is closed for Covid. I won't sleep tonight. Ted has isolated himself in the front bedroom. Eli doesn't understand. Evan is isolated in his room since his immune system is compromised from his steriods for his eye infection. Maybe he'll go get tested tomorrow.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Homemade biscuits
A first for Eliot and me.... We made simple shortening Southern style biscuits. We took it further and made a breakfast casserole casserole with sausage, biscuits, eggs, cheese, and seasonings. Eliot had a blast folding the shortening into the flour.
Our van... 8 years
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Etta at the doctor....
Time for a check up. Etaa honestly has not been sick. She has never had a sick visit to the doctor that I can recall. Of course when she was younger she had loads of weight checks, testings, evaluations, and therapy. But she was never sick. Well, she has grown. She is still small but on the chart. It is time for her to be reevaluated for her disability status. You want your child to not have a label but I also want her to be eligible for any services she may need in the future. We'll just have to see how the process goes...
Food banks help the needy...
Snow Day
We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...
Lately I have become bluntly aware how unusual it is to have more than 2, 3, or even 4 children. I am expecting my 7th child and apparently...
La Leche What? I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. I have always known about the group and knew they offered a lot of informat...