How can a mom say such a thing :) ! Ben's arrival did not hold any surprises whatsoever. We decided to go for an augmentation for this birth due to my risk factors. OK on the books it was called an induction but I just don't like that ugly word. My doctor even humored me and stayed away from the word herself. We left the house Monday January 18
th at 6:15am. Granny was left in charge of the kids. We made it to labor and delivery and settled in. My IV was started and I got into bed to wait for my doctor to arrive. She had forgotten to put me on her schedule but was upstairs in her office and came right down. At around 8:15am she checked me and said that I was still about 3
centimeters dilated. She tried to break my waters but they just weren't ready. They started
the lowest dose of
pitocin possible to see what would happen. Even before this
the monitors were picking up several contractions. They were not painful. I've been having those for weeks now. With minimal
pitocin my water broke on its own. That is always an interesting sensation. My
pitocin was increased just a little bit and I was
definitely getting uncomfortable. I hate it though when I am asked to rate my pain from one to ten. I have given birth naturally once and survived so I did not even rate that pain a ten. If I am still conscious I never rate it over a 5 or 6. Silly question anyway. Well
I asked for an epidural just well, frankly because I could. After it was in place around 11:30am I was checked and was at 5 centimeters. I had told my husband when we arrived that I would have the baby by 2pm. I was thinking about adjusting that time because I did not think I was progressing too fast. Well, I was checked around 1:30 and was 10m centimeters and ready to push. They had turned off the pitocin by now. This epidural took so well that I was in pretty much total control with no pain at all. The nurse called for the doctor. She got there and we got ready to start pushing. They asked me to try pushing to see. Whoa!!! I was told to stop that! I pushed half a time
and there Ben was. No tearing no trauma no stress. I sat up to see my son who was trying his best to cry his lungs out while being manhandled. He came out clean and purple. He pinked right up. Dad cut his cord and they placed him on my chest. I helped clean him up a little. They weighed him and made sure his airway was clear and we started skin to skin contact and nursing within 15 minutes of him being born. Ben did not latch on very well but we have time to practice. He seemed so little. He weighed 7lbs. 9oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. That's a bit on the small side for me. I could have sworn that he would be at least a pound bigger. He is perfect though. And he made it here before 2pm. He was born at 1:41pm. We moved to our post-
partum room and went home the next day. Neither of us had any complications so we went home within 26 hours. Ben has had a bit of jaundice but it has cleared up once he started pooping like a young man should. Nursing is going OK. He has a bit of an overbite so he is off center with his suck but we are working on it. As soon as he gets bigger that shouldn't be a problem. My milk came in in record time and my pump works just fine. He has had nothing but
breastmilk and I have even been able to start my frozen milk supply for when I go back to work. Welcome to the family Ben!
Welcome little Ben! Glad you had a peaceful journey, little bro! ♥