Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You teach two year olds?

What do you teach two year olds? Are they really supposed to know that? I love teaching two year olds. I have been doing it for about 15 years now. Right now I work with children under three years old that have special needs. I actually have a graduate degree in teaching infants and toddlers. How cool is that? Even though Evan is now 3 he likes getting into my special instruction bucket whenever he gets the chance. Eliot and he got out the lacing tubes this morning as I was getting ready to take them to their class. I like to try out some of my activities on them. Evan was actually enrolled in early intervention when he was younger. He never stops talking now but he was slow to start. He benefited from special instruction and speech therapy. I use the lacing tubing to evaluate and work on toddlers fine motor skills and their cognitive skills. They have to figure out how to get the rings on and off and they have to be coordinated enough and able to use enough strength to make it work. It's not as easy as it looks for a 2 year old.

During my work day it was all about frogs. I was working with a child to help him with his communication skills. He chose to play with the spinning pop up toy and to encourage him to verbalize throughout his play I added items that extended what he was already doing. There was a green frog on the pop up toy. I found a green frog in a book (Brown Bear Brown Bear...). I gave him pegs that corresponded with the colors on the pop up toy. I then read a whole book with a frog in the story (The Icky Sticky Frog). My whole goal was to get him talking and to keep him talking. It worked. I heard more from him today than ever before. Yeah early intervention!!!

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