Saturday, April 14, 2012

LLL and another day at the library

Lyn, Eliot, Ben and I had a full day on Thursday. We started out at the library. Ben and I joined the La Leche League meting downstairs and Lyn took Eliot upstairs to story time. Eliot enjoyed this story time better than the last one I took her to. I brought toys for Ben and Eliot to play with in a corner till everything started. Ben still gets antsy after about 30 minutes whenever we stay put in one room too long. He didn't last out the whole meeting but I hope I was able to share some experiences and ideas with some of the moms there today. We ran a lot of errands the rest of the day and everyone was wiped out when we finally got home....

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Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...