La Leche What?
I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. I have always known about the group and knew they offered a lot of information and support to breastfeeding mothers but I never attended a meeting. I know, I know... what does a mother who has successfully breastfed six children already need with a breastfeeding support group. You never know. I think I went to just be around other mothers to feel a connection with like minded individuals. Now, I think I might actually be able to help a new mom along the way. I plan on going to some more meetings and who knows I may try to be a leader of a new group. There are quite a few under served areas in Alabama that don't have regular groups that meet. This topic leads into what I've been meaning to do for a long time. I have a favorite book about breastfeeding that I want to share. I have a copy that I want t o give away. It is an older book but its format is great. It's simple and the color pictures in it are very helpful. All you have to do to win it is to comment on this post about breastfeeding. I would hope that your comments will be helpful and supportive of breastfeeding. But, I'll welcome any comments. They will be moderated first so don't worry if they don't show up right away. I'll give everyone some time to get some comments in. I will draw a winner Christmas Eve. Here is a description and a link to the book on so you can get a look at what you are trying to win. I have an old reader review on the book listed on when I had just 4 kids. Read at your own risk. Good luck!!!

Breastfeeding Your Baby
by: Sheila Kitzinger
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Readers will not be persuaded that a natural, commonplace activity like breastfeeding warrants an illustrated how-to guide, even if, as Kitzinger asserts, "women often lack confidence," and, hence, cause themselves unnecessary difficulties because of nervousness and anxiety. With a simple, short explanatory text and some 200 photographs (approximately 100 in color) of nursing mothers, the author of The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Child birth sets out to dispel fears about breastfeeding and conveys practical advice about positioning the baby, interpreting the baby's sucking rhythms, maternal nutrition and breast care. The most valuable parts of the book, however, are not on honing "technical skills" but those that treat aspects of the intimate communication between mother and baby--during breastfeeding and beyond. Kitzinger encourages the mother to involve the father in the burdens of infant care--as well as the rewards of nurturing--and to link up to a supportive network of women with children who can share both her positive and negative experiences and help her to maintain perspective during the emotional first months of a baby's life. Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.