Ben is three weeks old today. So far he has been a great fit for the family. He is a good baby. He does exactly what you would expect so far. He sleeps, eats, and poops. His diet consist of mama's milk. He is still having a hard time latching on though. I believe he may be tongue tied. He does not thrust his tongue out and whenever anything is placed in his mouth he has a lot of trouble placing his tongue under and around it to maintain a good suck. Finally we have had to give most of his feedings by bottle. I pump several times a day and he is able to take bottles with a little maneuvering. I have to wait till his mouth is wide open and place the nipple on top of his tongue and pointed slightly towards the roof of his mouth. This seems to be the only way to get milk in him. Occasionally if he isn't upset I can get him to latch onto the breast this way. When he gets bigger I'm sure it will be easier. If we don't get the nipple positioned just right in his mouth he will suck as happy as he can be but not get any milk out. It seems like his tongue is over the nipple and the opening under his tongue. We will get this figured out eventually.
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