Well, my newest addition is 4 weeks old today. I met Dad at the doctor's office for his four week well visit. He is getting bigger everyday. His birth weight was 7 lbs. 9 oz. He now weighs in at 9 lbs. and 1 oz. He has added 2 inches to his length too. He started out at 19 inches long and is now 21 inches long. I know it doesn't seem like a lot. Some babies come out that big. He is eating good. He lives off of breastmilk whether straight from the tap or from a bottle. At the rate I'm stocking the freezer he'll be having thawed breastmilk when he is three in his sippy cup. I am trying to cut back on some of my pumping sessions but cutting back to less that 4 times a day may interfere with my supply so I am reluctant. Better to have too much milk than not enough I guess. The doctor confirmed that he is not tongue tied. His tongue is able to protrude easily over his gums according to his doctor. He just has a weird lazy suck I guess. We still have to have long heart to heart discussions before during and after nursing sessions to get him to latch on correctly. He even has difficulty with a bottle. It has to be just right for him to be able to empty it. But he's a cute little thing isn't he?
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