Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Asparagus anyone?

What's for dinner?
The question that is asked everyday and everyday lately I have been stumped as to what to make or direct my husband to make. Fresh asparagus was on sale the other day so I bought some. I have never cooked asparagus before and actually had to look up how to cook it. We are going to keep it simple. I think I will add salmon patties and rolls on the side and call it a meal. I did find a great site that goes into more detail than you would ever need about asparagus. Check it out.

(click the picture to go to an info page on asparagus)


  1. We love asparagus! Steamed slightly, cooked, and raw it is a favorite here. I love it in a spinach salad with strawberries and pecans and maybe a bit of blue cheese. Last week I served it with fish, spinach, and quinoa. Delicious! Glad you got to try it!

    Thanks for the comment on The Leaky Boob and adding us to your blog list!


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