Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cloth diapering

I am dreaming of cloth diapers again. I recently bought some newborn homemade diapers off of Etsy. they were cute, unique, made from old fabrics, and so cheap!!!! I have washed all of my prefolds. I have a few wool soakers and a few diaper covers. I am almost all set. since I will be home more with this little one I plan on using more cloth. I would love to commit to elimination communication but I am not sure I am up for it. There are so many cloth diaper options out there and some are very expensive. I really like old fashioned prefolds. Now I have come across some patterns on making your own prefolds!!! I so need to learn to sew. Maybe I can talk my mother or mother-in-law in helping me. check out the diapers I just bought..... (Annika was my photographer)

The wonderfully talented person that made these can be found on Etsy at PeanutPants

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Happy 25th Birthday Lyn

My oldest daughter is 25 today. She has accomplished so much in her life. I am so proud of her. She was such a delightful surprise when I wa...