Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another pregnancy update...

I went to the maternity clinic today. I have gained 29 pounds total now. I can tell some of that is just fluid. I think I am holding more fluid with this pregnancy than the others. That is the easiest to loose in the end. When I was being weighed the nurse asked me if I was getting nervous. I know she didn't mean that to be a leading question but why didn't she ask if I was getting excited to meet my baby?  Her question would just set a mom to thinking she SHOULD be nervous. I told her no, I was not nervous just a little anxious like a first time mom wanting her fantasy labor and birth. This will probably be my last birth so I have special expectations that I did not have with some of my other births. After I shared that with the nurse she asked as calm as can be "Are you having a C-section?" I sort of just stared at her for a second to take that in. I said, "No, I had one and it nearly killed me. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and my child has lifelong problems." She seemed to be surprised by my response. Why would my desire for a "perfect" birth ever lead anyone to that question? I guess c-sections are so common that even nurses see them as "perfect". I find that so sad. I moved on to see the CNP. I agreed to be checked even though I don't think pelvic exams are really necessary. I am 2.5 centimeters dilated. I am not surprised. I can walk around at 3 for weeks. Little girl is head down but not engaged in my pelvis. Dad came with me to this visit because we wanted to stop by the hospital which is next door to drop off my birth plan and get the gist of admitting procedures. This hospital doesn't give regular tours. The only tours available are for those who take their childbirth classes that cost a pretty penny. We never made it in. There were no parking places at all in the entire hospital parking lots and parking decks. I have delivered at this hospital before but they have updated everything. On the up side I am sure it will be in wee hours on the morning when we end up there so parking should be better....

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