Sunday, May 20, 2012

Early labor or what....

Last night I was almost sure we were having a baby. Well, no  baby. I have been a bit worried that my labor will go so fast that I will not be able to process the experience and remember it.  Eliot's birth was a bit like that. I really don't remember her birth at all. Now it seems like I have been in early labor for days now. Be careful what you wish for I guess. I am guessing I may be up to 4 centimeter dilated by now. I need to work up until Wednesday so a few more days would be nice but I would not complain if Elaina showed up tonight. In the past when I was younger having to make up work would have really stressed me out. I have talked with all of the families I work with and they all understand. I just feel a bit unprofessional  having to reschedule home visits if I go into labor. Every night  I go to bed I feel an bit anxious that I will wake up at 2am with either strong contractions or my water breaking. Then it doesn't happen and that makes me anxious too. I just need to relax.....

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