Saturday, September 15, 2012

MUUMs group

Elaina and I nursed for a while in the memory garden before we joined the MUUMs group at church today. This was the first meeting. It was so nice to commune with other mothers. And of course we got to eat and share our thoughts on the reading from the book assigned for this semester. I enjoyed myself and since there was childcare provided the kids had fun.....

I asked if I could bring some herbal teas and a few things to decorate for the meeting. I may have gone a bit overboard but I had fun collecting all of my Mama Tools. I used a lot of items that I would use for Blessingways or other female oriented meetings.

This is the book we are reading this semester.... I am enjoying it so far.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for blessing us. I had such a wonderful morning too! - Tara


Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...