Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chapter Three

The babysitter began taking care of the little girl. They spent their days going for long walks with the stroller through the neighborhood. The babysitter did not live very far away from the little girl but when she was given the chance she moved even closer. She was now within walking distance of her. The babysitter liked sunflowers.She wore shirts with sunflowers on them. She decorated her kitchen with sunflowers. The little girl began to identify her babysitter with sunflowers. Whenever she saw one she would say "sunflowders" in her own little girl way. Her parents thought this was so cute. The wife was content that she had found someone to care for her child that seemed to care for her dearly. The babysitter did not have any children of her own and she nurtured and taught the little girl everyday. The babysitter did not dwell on the mistake she had made with the husband. It was like it never happened. It was never spoken of and he never treated her with anything but respect. As time went on though the husband started to come home for lunch every once in a while. Sometimes the babysitter and the little girl would come home from a long walk and find him eating lunch in the kitchen. This was a treat for the little girl who did not see her father many nights because he worked two jobs. More and more often though the husband would come home for lunch later in the day when the little girl was down for her nap. His attention shifted from his daughter to the babysitter. He never promised her anything. He only said he was lonely. Again and again the babysitter felt sorry for him. She knew she was betraying the wife's trust but what was happening just did not seem so horribly wrong. The little girl grew into a bright precocious two year old. Her mother felt it was time to move her from in home care to a quality daycare setting. The babysitter could only agree. She could see the child blossoming and in need of a daily social setting to continue to grow in. The family was so grateful for the care that the babysitter had given their child they presented her with gifts. They made her a "best babysitter award" and the wife gave her several gifts for her home with sunflowers on them. This separation led the babysitter to believe that the physical relationship she was sharing with the husband would come to an end. It did taper off but he would come over and visit her every once and a while. Sometimes it was just to talk mostly it was for something more. The babysitter was moving on with her life. On one visit from the husband she informed him that she was pregnant. "No!" it was not his child. She set him at ease about that. He wished her well and from then on they parted ways, mostly. They would see each other around town and the babysitter actually started watching a new baby whose parents were friends of the husband and wife. The mother of this new baby though decided she would like to be an at home mother and the babysitter only watched their child a few months. Every one's life was as normal as it could be. The babysitter was enjoying raising her new child, a son. When he was about eighteen months old she decided to make a drastic change in her life. She decided to join the military. The day before she left for basic training she made the rounds around town saying good-bye to all of her friends. This included making a stop at the husband and wife's home. She was hoping to see the little girl one last time. The wife and little girl were away visiting family. The husband was home alone. He invited the babysitter in. They talked for a little while. As she was getting ready to leave he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. They had not shared a physical relationship for over two years. Whose to say if it was a fitting farewell or not.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so I only just now figured out who the babysitter is.

    (eagerly awaiting the next chapter)


Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...