Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stuffed mushrooms

Well, I did say I was going to spend the day cooking. My goal for the day was stuffed mushrooms. When the little kids went down for a nap I got all of my ingredients ready. They were as follows:

one package of stoufer's spinach souffle
a medium package of medium sized mushrooms
a pound of spicy pork sausage
6-8 ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese with a little monterrey cheese thrown in
1/4 of a white onion

I only used 1/2 of the spinach souffle. You can use the whole package for a creamier filling. Set aside the spinach souffle so it will start to thaw. I actually cut it into small pieces to speed up the process. Brown the onions and sausage together. I like to overdo it a bit. I like the sausage to be a little crunchy for texture. Add the cooked sausage and onion mixture to the thawed spinach souffle. Add about half of the shredded cheese and mix in a bowl. Take the washed de-stemmed mushroom caps and fill them with the mixture. Place in a baking dish and bake for only 10 - 20 minutes at 350 degrees. For the last 5 minutes pull the pan out and sprinkle liberal amounts of the left over cheese on top and pop it back in the oven to melt. They are best eaten hot from the oven. The mixture keeps well before cooking. You can even freeze it but the cooked mushrooms don't reheat very well. Eat them while they are hot!!

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