Sunday, September 20, 2009

Colors all around us

The toddlers in my house have been fascinated with colors lately. To encourage this interest we have been listening to children's songs that sing about colors. We have been reading a lot of books that talk about colors. A favorite is the classic Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? Everywhere we go Evan has been pointing out colors. Eliot has been trying her best. She has red and yellow down. Today they helped me cut out pictures of things of all different colors. We stuck them on the wall and listened to our favorite color song. They did a good job listening to the song and pointing out the colors they heard mentioned. We had a pop up toy and a copy of Brown Bear to refer to as we listened to the song. Evan kept going and talked about the colors after the song ended. Enjoy the videos of them learning about colors.

Here is a link to the book used in the videos.


  1. Hey we know that spinny toy thing! ♥

    You are such a great mama, mamacita!
    Of course, you know you've just caused me to be nominated for suck-iest mom of the year. Thanks.

  2. I can fake it pretty good can't I? :)


Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...