Sunday, September 27, 2009

My meatloaf recipe

I already posted this on facebook but I might as well post it here too. I added a few directions here too.

Well, I had some ground beef that I needed to cook. I didn't want to make hamburgers again. I have made meatloaf a hundred times but I wanted to try something different. I looked up some recipes and called my mother to get some fresh input. I took a little from all of my sources and made up a new recipe. Lyn helped me and even took a picture. This is what we ended up with.

1 1/4 pounds of ground beef
1/4 pound hot pork sausage
1 teaspoon diced garlic
1/4 diced onion
2 eggs
1 piece toasted whole wheat bread crumbled
1/4 package crumbled saltine crackers
1/2 a package Lipton soup mix (your choice of flavor)
1/2 can cream of mushroom soup
salt and pepepr to taste

We mixed all of this together and shaped it into a loaf shape in a pyrex pan. I baked it for about an hour at 375 degrees. Towards the end of that time I spread the rest of the cream of mushroom soup on top of the meatloaf and continued to bake. It will be firmer if you let it cool a little bit. Enjoy!!!

It turned out pretty good. The kids had seconds and even thirds.

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