Saturday, October 3, 2009

Birthday Party!!

Happy Birthday Lyn and Eliot!!

We celebrated Lyn and Eliot's birthdays today. Eliot turned two last Saturday (September 26th). Lyn turns eleven tomorrow. I usually combine birthdays if they are close together. Danny and Annika were born two days apart so they usually celebrate theirs together. Evan celebrates his on his own in July and Connor gets his on his own in December. New little baby is due in January so maybe we will pair him up with Connor.

Lyn and Eliot helped me make the carrot cake cupcakes for the party. It takes a lot of manpower to grate 3 cups of carrots. Lyn was up for that challenge. Eliot was a big help putting the cupcake papers in the pans. Of course I had to turn it into an early math activity for her. She had to differentiate the sizes of the papers. BIG and LITTLE is always a good skill for toddlers to work on.

We had the party at my mother's home (aka Granny). Eliot and Evan's other grandparents were able to attend too. Everyone had a good time. Granny's new sun porch was a hit and the place to be. After the party we went down the road to a playground we haven't tried yet. There were two birthday parties going on there so we didn't stay long. It was a bit crowded for our tastes. There are walking trails at this playground. The kids had fun walking them. Evan did not want to turn around. The weather is cooling off so we will have to take them back.

To see more pictures of the day see the Birthday slide show.

(I removed the slide show but it is still available as a Picassa Web album)

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