Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eliot's blanket

Eliot's blanket

I never thought one of my children would become so attached to a blanket. Or as she calls it her "blank". Lyn enjoyed her pacifier till she was way to old to have one. Evan drug his stuffed froggie all over the place, and still does some. But Eliot is something else. She gropes all night to keep a firm grip on her "blank". She drags it from room to room. She is a very talkative strong willed young lady but she loves her blanket. She did not become attached to it till she was over a year old. At first she would be content to just be holding onto something made of cloth. Any receiving blanket or piece of clothing would do. Then the hand-me-down blanket of choice came into the picture. It came from my mother. Granny is always providing us with hand-me-downs from her friends and co-workers. (We greatly appreciate this. She actually spoils us.) Eliot's infamous blanket came in one of these batches. It is a bit softer and smoother than other receiving blankets. If we leave the house for any more than a quick trip to the store we make sure to have "blank" stored away somewhere. Sometimes out of sight out of mind works but as soon as she sees it or is tired or hurt she asks for it. She just turned two years old. I am comfortable letting her hang onto it as long as she needs. I'm fairly confident she will not need to take it to kindergarten.

The picture below was taken of her when she was less than a month old. I took the picture because she was posing just like one of Evan's froggies. If you look to her right though you see the infamous blanket draped over the cushion of the couch. As Evan, Eliot and I were scrolling through pictures last night we came across this picture. I stopped to point out baby Eliot and the froggie. Eliot had another notion. She got extremely upset to this "other" baby with her blanket. No amount of persuasion would convince her that the baby was her. Finally I just gave up and handed her the blanket and moved to the next picture.

Babies and their blankets go together. With the help of Brayden's memory and his family blankets (and other items) are donated to NICUs at the local hospitals here in Birmingham. These blankets and items are provided to families to help brighten their journey with their children. Please see the link on the left side of this blog or click the link below to learn more.



  1. Ohhh Eliot...sweet baby girl! Thanks for getting the link out there!

  2. You can tell Eliot that girls who have blankies grow up to be tall and smart. ;)
    I still have a blankie, only now I disguise it in the form of a queen-sized flat sheet. But it's got that certain "blankie" quality (flannel) and I hate when I have to sleep without it. FTR, I no longer suck my thumb... but that doesn't mean I don't sometimes miss it.
    Yay Eliot!

    Braydon Baby Blankets is a wonderful thing.


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