Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Right to at Least Try!!!

My mother sent me this article. It really made me angry at our system out there. Please read it.

It is about a mom who has three children and is expecting her fourth. Her second child was delivered by emergency C-section and her third child was delivered by VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). She was planning to deliver her fourth child at the same hospital and was told she would HAVE to have another C-section. What happened to her rights?

My fourth child (Annika) was delivered by emergency C-section at 28 weeks. My 5th and 6th child was delivered by VBAC as hopefully my soon to be due 7th will be delivered. I know fully well the risks involved that is why I choose to have my child at a hospital and not at home. But, I support a woman's choice in the matter. Sometimes it seems that we have become so used to the idea that a C-section birth is normal and 100% safe. I have known mothers that have died after elective C-sections. All childbirth holds risks. Just look at all the angles when you make decisions.
Annika at the hospital

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