Thursday, October 22, 2009

Busy day

What a day today! I had my fourth flat tire in six months today. I am so thankful to my mother for getting us a membership with AAA. I spent the rest of my day waiting to get the tire changed and replaced at the tire shop. When I got home I started on my bean salad that I have been planning for two days. Dad then informed me that when he was out of the room for ten minutes the little kids (Evan 3 and Eliot 2) destuffed a couch cushion and "snowed" the living room. He was wondering why they were playing together so well together. At least it was all cleaned up by the time I got home. You never know what you will get in our home.

The bean salad turned out OK. I wouldn't call it a salad per say though. It was more of just a bean dish. It consisted of:

white navy beans

pinto beans

red beans


bell peppers



salt and pepper

cayenne pepper

fresh corn

The kids liked the fresh corn on the cob the best. I guess I know what to add to my shopping list.

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