Monday, May 17, 2010

The best part of a Monday...


When I got home from work today I decided to hang out in the backyard after dinner. I put a thick quilt down to sit on and enjoy the afternoon. Ben enjoyed being outside. I placed him on the quilt in the shade under a large bush. This turned out to be nature's mobile. Who needs a spinning toy placed over a crib when you have a moving plant against a blue sky to stimulate you? Ben loved it. He focused on the contrast between the sky and the leaves. He is at such an exciting stage in his development. He is observing his world and attempting to interact with it. It is my job to gently introduce new experiences it him. This helps him make new neural connections and figure out how his own body works. Simply and crudely put- new things make babies smarter. As I was enjoying Ben Annika was on a rock and bug hunt with the little kids. In between all of that I nursed Ben, went over next year's curriculum with Lyn, and watched Evan, Eliot, and Annika roll down the hill. And that was the best part of my Monday. 

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