Friday, May 7, 2010

EI conference

I had a lot of fun and learned a little too at the Color Your World Early Intervention. I was lucky enough to be chosen as a facilitator (OK I volunteered) for a session. I got to introduce the speaker. So exciting! It was a good session. It covered the developmental milestones for non-verbal communication in infants and toddlers. That was right up my alley. As I was handing out notes for this session one of the women in the room said she recognized me. It turned out to be Danny's preschool special education teacher from over 10 years age. It really is a small EI world! We had a lunch break and I hung out with my co-worker and friend, Quatar. I bought a shirt and a ring from one of the vendors (What Goes Around). All in all a fun day at work!!

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