Sunday, May 9, 2010

My mother's day

I started the day with a goal to get a few pictures of all the kids. I don't have high expectations. If Danny just hangs around during picture takings I am happy. Outside pictures usually work better for him. That way we don't have to have a flash.

When we finished taking pictures we finished getting ready for church. Our new ministerial candidate was leading the service today so I was looking forward to attending. I wasn't working in the nursery today so I was able to attend the service. Lyn helped during the story of all ages by holding a picture for the new almost minister. The music was a bit too much for Danny so he went outside in the garden during the service. The other kids went down to their classes. When I needed to nurse Ben we went to check on Danny outside. We found him sitting on a wall in the garden.

On the way to the car Danny caught an anole lizard. Everyone got a chance to touch it before he passed it to Connor to let go. There are a lot of blackberry bushes along the sidewalk at church. There were a few ripe blackberries. The kids tried hard to find a handful. They were sweet and juicy.

For lunch we stopped by KFC. Evan was the loudest person there. I don't think he ate more than two bites because he never stopped talking.  I ended the afternoon by receiving a poem from Lyn for Mother's Day. All in all we had a great day!

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