Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Melusine Soap in the Alabama Sun

I came across a website celebrating the making of homemade soap. The maker of the soap actually lives near the Isle of Avalon. As a fan of anything to do with Arthurian legend my interest was sparked. The word melusine actually refers to a figure of European legends and folklore, a feminine spirit of fresh waters in sacred springs and rivers. The Lady of the Lake in some Arthurian legends would have been one of these water spirits. The maker of these wonderful soaps is a mom who shares some of the same parenting styles that I have. Frankly, if we didn't live thousands of miles away from each other we probably would be friends. As I followed her soap making adventures on facebook I decided to order some of her soaps. They came in the mail today. I ordered two watermelon soaps for the big girls and a honey oatmeal one for myself. A rhubarb loofah soap was thrown in for free. Eliot claimed that one for her own. The big girls thought it was the coolest thing to get a package all the way from Britain. Bath time came a bit early tonight because everyone wanted to try out their new soaps. Now, I am off to the online shop to see which ones I am going to order next. I think I will stock up on some to give as gifts. I bet I will be the only one to give the gift of Melusine Soap here in Alabama!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post, thank you! It's so nice to see pix of your children enjoying my soap too :) This has really made my day!


Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...