Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy 19th Birthday Connor!

Really? A grown legal adult? So hard to believe...

Happy Birthday Connor. Born at 7:47 am weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces after driving through an ice storm to get to the hospital. You were the first baby I had that I really wanted a home birth with. My pregnancy with you really had me grow emotionally as a mother. You are 19 and a grown man now. I will always see you as my baby boy.... Your younger siblings look up to you and always will. I hope the journey you are on leads you to great places physically, spiritually,  and emotionally.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My helper Elaina...

Elaina helped me put art work in cubbies this morning. She was very proud to help and very quick to say she did not want to be a teacher....

Our letter of the week is Jj and we made Japanese paper lanterns....

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My devotionals tonight...

Yep, they are the same. One in Spanish one in English. I prefer the Spanish version's cover. Time to see how well the translation went...

Camp Rhino

I was so blessed to sponser a few young ladies who attended Camp Rhino in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. After spending a mission trip there last summer Pirt Elizabeth and Camp Rhino hold a very special place in my heart. May God bless the missionaries there and their efforts.

Check out their site to see what they are all about...

Bloom Where You Are Planted...

This picture was shared in a group I follow about Christian planners.... This is so true. The author was inspired to make this after listening to her pastor's sermon on Bloom Where You Are Planted. Don't belittle any job or location. Even as a fast food worker (which is a needed yet disrespected job in our culture) you can witness and make a difference... You go McDonald's worker!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Are you lost?

While picking up dirty clothes off of the kid's  bathroom floor this little anole lizard fell to the floor. Poor thing was dark in color which usually means they are in distress or cold or both. Unless they are blending in with something brown in nature. This poor fellow was obviously dehydrated and was probably drawn to the water in the bathroom. It was a cold rainy day but I knew he wouldn't survive inside. Out you go before Eli gets home and wants to love you so hard he squishes you...

Ayudas para estudiar la Biblia

My newest find in my journey towards studying The Word in Spanish. I have been looking for a reference Bible in Spanish. I finally found one and it was on sale. My journey continues...

Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...