Monday, May 25, 2020

Cuteset fruitfly traps ever...

That time again... These are the cutest apple ones ever. They came with bait and poison. Sorry fruit flies... We have to protect the apples and potatoes...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Happy Sunday

Back to work...

Headcovering made easy. A simple tube cover worn to work then I switched to my cap for work that is part of my work uniform. Covering doesn't have to be complicated at all....

Making pizzas is my night and weekend job especially during the summer before teaching starts.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

A boy and his cat


Eli has been all over the new kitten. He calls her Mew Mew. I named her Aurora but it seems each kids named her differently. Eli chases her around hopefully she will get faster :) .

Friday, May 22, 2020

And there it is.... Etta graduated kindergarten and Evan Betke "graduated " 8th grade last night. AB honor role for the young man.

Eliot and Ben got awards as well as Evan. Elaina performed well as did they all.

Happy end of the school year!!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Migraine drama

Yesterday a migraine got the better of me yesterday afternoon. I did my regular routine of dark room and rest. I used a few drops of skullcap because I was low on my regular medicine. In the middle of the night horrible pain behind my right eye. I had to call into work and my mom brought me some OTC meds. I called my doctor. They wanted me to come in for a steroid shot and a pain shot. Those helped a little and not I got a referral for a neurologist next month to see about new preventive medicine.

Headcovering yesterday...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Snake adventure this morning

The kids were looking for pill bugs before 9am this morning. And..... they found a snake. I scooped it into an old aquarium.  I really don't like killing any useful animal. God made everything for a purpose. We tried to identify it. Toss up on chicken snake, ladder snake, or baby copper head...

No chances... it found a new home. Now, how many more will we find... It is an Alabama adventure!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Field trip day...

Last field trip before the end of the school year. Some kids are going to pick blueberries and some are going to Oak Mountain. It is a beautiful day. Eli gets his field trip to Granny's...

Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...