Saturday, December 29, 2012

Isn't she lovely?

One of my new tea pots. I wasn't sure about this one but it is beautiful. I can just smell a light green tea flavored with apple offered in the springtime when I hold it. I don't know why I enjoy the personalities of teapots so much. I guess it is the Herbalist in me who enjoys the versatility of herbal teas and the wanna be Gypsy in me combined that find comfort in teapots.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cobble Stone Road

Everyone says events in life that don't work out the way we plan are bumps in the road. Well, I feel like I live on a cobblestone road. A new bump consists of me loosing my daycare job. I was told it was because of cutbacks but in reality it was because I do not share in the religious beliefs of the center where I worked. I was a good teacher and ignorance cost me happiness and a paycheck. I enjoyed my job....

Balance can be regained.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Teapots everywhere

The little kids were at Grandma's and the big kids were at friends' homes so what did I do? Clean and polish my teapot collection. These are just a few....

Monday, December 24, 2012

Elaina in her new wagon

Can you believe how big she is???

And look at that "I will take over the world" look on her face.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

And the beat goes on...

The little kids making music in the new Winter sun. It was a crisp, clear day yesterday and we played in the front yard. I figured out my new blue tooth speaker and the little kids got into my work toys. That meant music all around....

Friday, December 21, 2012

The kids with their Solstice gifts...

We decorated the tree more this solstice night and the kids received a few gifts. The older girls got computers earlier this week and all of the kids got a Wii to share. Socks and books all around made it a special night.

Happy Birthday Connor

My second son is 12 today!! Good thing the world didn't end. Twelve years ago on an icy night I arrived at the hospital to give birth to Connor at 7:47am. He is sick today and didn't get a proper birthday celebration but as always with my Solstice Son I welcome his presence in my life....

Happy Birthday Connor!

Connor age 12
Newborn Connor

Happy Solstice 2012

Elaina and I sitting in the sun on this beautiful yet cool day!!
Let the return of the light begin....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Playing "store" in the garage

As I worked in my garage that I have set up as my herbal workshop Eliot and Ben set up a store. Eliot used an old computer keyboard as her register and Ben bought all the toys on the shelf. I have never hrard Ben say "yes sir" before till he was shopping. It was so cute.

That's what I get...

More teapots? More broken teapots? Tragedy a few weeks ago when my favorite teapots upon a shelf all fell and broke. No one was home and the nails did not come out of the wall but down they came. I have ordered a few teapots to fill the void I felt when my pots broke. Two of those pots arrived broken and I felt betrayed. It is hard to explain my emotional response. yes, they are just things and teapots at that but I guess collecting teapots in the stage of life I am in has more meaning than the pots themselves. I have been in pieces myself lately and I need mending.....

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fertility Egg for Sale

This egg is available in my Etsy store for purchase. It comes with an amulet or sachet that contains herbs, stones, and other items that have been charged with positive energy to help one conceive. That could be conceive a child, conceive new ideas, or just nurture fertile growth both literally and figuratively. It would make a great Red Tent decoration or even a gift for a youth at her first menstration or "moon time".

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Detox vinegar tincture a brewing...

This one is a big seller and very popular. It contains several herbs soaking in apple cider vinegar with the "mother". This will make a very effective detox tincture for anyone needing to cleanse toxins from their body that have accumulated through modern living or lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or ingesting other toxins.

The herbs used that have a long history of cleansing the blood and body of stored toxins are

dandelion leaf
dandelion root
slippery elm root
nettle leaf
burdock root

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 12/12/12

All smiles so far....

Annika had some psychological testing today. She did really well. I want her to receive all the services she needs to become the best she can be in the future. We will get the results soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Yes my baby is 6 months old

Elaina is now 6 months old. Can you believe it? She and Ben and I had a WIC appointment today. Elaina weighs 17 pounds and Ben weighs 26 pounds. I will just say my weight has reduced... I am actually about 15 pounds from my target weight. That would be what I weighed in 2004. I think I will meet that goal no problem.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Teaching today at church

I had a lot of fun showing off some meditation beads and how to make them in Lyn and Connor's class at church. I only wish I had more time to go into more detail....

Newest sell

I have added a lot of new items in my Etsy shop. This meditation pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding bracelet sold today... Get your orders in. Take a look at the sidebar for a link to my shop.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Annika's recheck

Annika did pretty well for her second blood draw. We also got a genetic referral. Right at this moment though she is having a meltdown. He self esteem is so low. I wish I could help her more. She just doesn't seem to respond to anything I try to do to help her to get her out of this funk sometimes. She will be starting psychological therapy soon. I hope that helps. I have a child that acts like a wonderful 10 year old one moment and then turns into a crying pit of despair. I am hoping things get better soon but they look like they are only going to get worse.....

I need someone to light a candle for me.

Thank you Tracie... for my emotional light......

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Well, I heard from Annika's doctor today. Some of her blood work came back questionable from her blood draw on Tuesday. She had some levels that need to be rechecked. I am a little worried because of all her ongoing conditions and challenges.

Herbal anti-inflamation oil infusion

OK, have you heard of oil pulling? This infussion is tailor made for inflamation of the gums. We will see how it works. It contains alfalfa, goldenseal, chamomile, turmeric, yellow dock, and ginger. All of these were infussed into almond and coconut oil. i recommend the individual I am making this for to use the oil for oil pulling.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Trying again... with runes thrown in

Annika has become interested in Anglo-Saxon runes from the Dragonology series of books. A friend at school has been sharing it with her. She wrote out her name and my name in runes. Annika was in decent spirits for her blood draw. This is the 3rd time we have tried. 3rd time is the charm right. We were able to get it done. She was a little upset but everything went OK in the end.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Such a beautiful find

I found this Mother / Woman / Goddess figure today at the thrift store. Annika and my friend Tracie helped me look up her worth to sell. Apparently Annika thinks she is priceless. She wants me to keep her. I just may do that..

Elaina and beads

I have to start her young....

I need help with my bead and jewelry making. She is growing so fast.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mistletoe hunt

They cut a limb off of the tree we always climb to harvest mistletoe. We ended up getting some, but not what expected....

Almost 6 months old

When did my baby grow up so fast?

Stringing popcorn for the tree

Our two  garlands turned out OK... They make a nice contrast on the tree. Eliot, Lyn, Ben, and Evan helped. That included eating the popcorn as well as stringing it....

Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...