Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Take care of the Caregivers

We sit with the sick, the dying, the sad, the lonely, the forgotten, the forgetful, the young, and the elderly. But sitting isn't all we do. We cook, clean, bathe, clean up what families won't clean up, we drive to appointments, we are a voice for our clients. We are usually there when they take their last breath. We get the call one day that a shift is canceled because our client has died. We have to work extra shifts because no one else wants the job because it is considered  "unskilled labor". And workers just quit at the drop of a hat. But who cares for the man whose family seems to have forgotten him? Who cares for the blind Veteran who can't cook for himself? Who will care for me?????

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Happy 24th Birthday Connor...

  There he is in-between two of his younger brothers.