Well, here I am again. I have very mixed feelings about this. George is very supportive. So have a few friends that have reached out to me on Facebook. My mom and other family members seem sort of ambivalent. Sort of "whatever". I don't want to put words in their mouths or anything but they just say my decisions are my own. I really want more input from them though. I want their honest opinions even if they disagree with me. Ted asked if I was sure. He was concerned about side effects. It is hard for him to communicate sometimes but he wanted to know why. I told him that I was getting a lot of pressure from all medical professionals to continue if I want certain choices in the future. I can't have lifestyle choices in the future if I don't do treatment. He understands and accepts that. Almost 19 years of knowing each other helps with that acceptance. George and I are working on that. We are wanting it but it isn't reflexive yet. We'll get there. I am getting better at seeing and accepting how others see me. I know I am not understood. I know I make impulsive decisions. I am working on it. I am trying to think things through more. This post is about chemo so I'll try and focus on that decision. I know on the surface I can be seen as selfish and petty. I am prone to see myself as a failure. Even with my achievements of family and children that a lot of people never have I feel alone sometimes. I am loved but can't accept that I am worthy of love. I graduated college and university with several degrees with honors and hold a graduate degree. Yet I feel so stupid and ignorant at times even in my field. Even as my supervisor says she can't live without me I feel worthless. It is irrational. When I talk about it with those that care to listen I guess it all goes back to my youth. Being told I was a mistake. My sister constantly told me I was adopted and never wanted. Grandmothers told me my mother shouldn't have had three children. I was of course the third child. That same sister constantly told me I was fat, ugly, and had stringy nasty hair. I believed her of course. I starved myself between 11th and 12th grade and lost 20 pounds. Everyone said how much better I looked. I had a cute boyfriend who was actually emotionally abusive. He actually was upset that I lost weight. I got away from him. I eventually started dating my soon to be first husband. I will never forget what one of his brothers said to me the first time he met me after we had been married a year or so. That brother had been away on a mission, they were Mormon, when we were married. He said, "I never thought Louis would have married someone so homely looking". Yep, to my face he said that. And people wonder why my self esteem in my 20s was horrible. My confidence rose as I found something I was actually decent at. I was a pretty good mom. Some of my adult kids may argue that fact. That is OK. I was also good at school. I could handle college and university easily. I would love to go back for my PhD one day. I jumped around jobs a good bit but I always put forth 100% at each one whether I was making pizzas or a case manager with Early Intervention at the state level. My biggest challenge now is dealing with the feeling that I am going backwards. Selling my house that I lived in for 13 years last year and now living in a mobile home seems like I have failed. I can't make myself look at the facts that the burden of carrying the bills of my my growing family caught up to me so much that I had to do something. Accepting help was hard. Accepting that no one is expected to support their family after they get diagnosed with cancer, have major surgery, are out of work, go back to work, break their wrist, lose their position temporarily for months till released from light duty is hard. I am angry. It may take me a decade or more to get back to where I was. But does that really matter? I have a roof over my head. I have a good job. I am loved. I have so much more than others have. I am such a pessimistic personality. I used to say all the time at least I am healthy or at least I have my strength. Cancer took my health and breaking my wrist took my physical strength. I guess I can owe my prior health to my vitality during my chemotherapy. My heart has been strong. I haven't had any blood levels be low enough to miss chemotherapy. I haven't been sick. I haven't lost weight. I haven't had any infection. I had a few mouth sores in the beginning like cold sores. I lost most of my hair. It started to grow back but will probably fall out again. No neuropathy in my hands or feet. It is common with Taxol, which is what I am on today and for 5 more weeks. Just to make it through today.... That is my goal...
I created this blog to allow anyone who wishes to follow the life and times of Susan Betke-Campbell and her family.
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Snow Day
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