Saturday, September 21, 2013

30 weeks

I am getting there... I don't quite look very pregnant just big in this picture but little girl is growing just fine. I actually only weigh 2 pounds heavier than I did when I got pregnant with Elaina. But I have gained a little over 20 pounds. I was on my way to loosing weight and was about 15 pounds from my target weight when we got pregnant. Everything has been OK these past few weeks once we found out little one doesn't have any markers for trisomy as was believed at the beginning of my pregnancy. Being 39 years old and working with special needs children I understand there are no absolutes till you actually meet your baby. I am fine with whatever her needs are when she is born. I am looking forward to a quick delivery hopefully without any interventions... Again, I wish Midwifery care for home births was legal in my state.

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Happy 24th Birthday Connor...

  There he is in-between two of his younger brothers.