Monday, November 30, 2015

A fever again?

Etta truly is tiny baby. She has a fever again. No other symptoms. This really must be part of her unique challenges. She has lost a little weight too and is under 20 pounds today. Hopefully she will gain back what she has lost. Sweet baby is still sassy as ever....

Scoring for Annika

I met with Annika's evaluator today. We went over her scores. She did above average in her language skills but with math she scored at half her grade level. I will do all I can to assist her in becoming the best she can be. I will not let her fall through the cracks....

My broken heart....

I found out the final judgment on Annika's court case today. The judge did not go in my favor. Annika will remain living with her father. I will see her on weekends but I feel so wronged. If I thought her father was providing for her better or even as well as I this would not be so hard. I believe I made a mistake when I let her go and she needs to be in my home. I will keep fighting. Connor needs more support too. He has no one looking out for him. Their father is just not a self sustaining adult. He lives off meager wages, our adult disabled son's SSI, and misplaced charity from an elderly woman who allows him to live in her home. He does not meet their physical or emotional needs. He won't even communicate with me about them. I miss my children.

Friday, November 27, 2015

A new herbal order....

I always enjoy putting together herbal special orders. It is always more special when it is for a newly post-partum mom....

Working on a day off....

I had the day off today but I needed to work on a few things so the littles and Ted came with me to "help"....

I got a little work done and a lot of bonding time in....

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

It was nice to spend time with family. I missed Danny, Connor and Annika but it was nice to see my father and my brother. They haven't seen my youngest children or Jaynie so that was a good thing. Boy can my mother cook... I don't think I will need to eat for a week.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Etta yesterday....

I feel so bad that I did not post on Etta's actual birthday yesterday. My baby is 2 years old yesterday!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bread Communion and more....


Today is a Unitarian Universalism celebration. It is Bread Communion. Simply, it is a day to celebrate being grateful. Bread is such a basic simple food that for generations has been a staple in households and fed the hungry. The church we usually attend encourages families to focus on their family traditions or ancestry when baking bread to share. I like to think of heavy hearty dark barley breads from my Irish / Scottish heritage. We enjoyed a mountain bread with soft cheese. We all enjoyed other goodies for a full picnic. It was Etta's birthday but she stayed at home with her Dad. The little boys were visiting Grandma and Danny and Connor were at their father's house. We visited a park that I know has mistletoe. I try and collect some this time of year to decorate the house and use in charms or for herbal use. Eliot was my helper to collect some pieces that were too high. I try to always leave plenty to grow for the next season. We collected enough for my uses this season. 

Friends through the years...

Annika and dare I say her best friend are getting to spend more time together.  They grow up so fast....

5th grade

8th grade

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Nursing on a break...

I always wished someone would bring my babies to me at work so I could feed them. I am happy to bring Jaynie to Lyn so she can feed her on her break.

Fall in Alabama

Playing outside in the leaves in late November in Alabama. Who needs a jacket, long pants or even shoes?

Annika's mind....

My beautiful young daughter who is growing up right before my eyes is unique in many ways. Her mind works different than other children. As her mother it is my job to provide her with as much support as I can. Today she started on her journey with a tutoring and enrichment center. She had her assessment to see where she stands. Since Math isn't her strong suit we shall see how she does. Annika is great at reading and information gathering. I plan on inviting her Dad to the assessment result meeting. Hopefully he will want to participate to help meet her needs.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Elaina and I got our hair cut

About time for me.....

Lyn did a good job. She evened it out more than the picture shows.

A thankful candle....

Elaina made a thankful candle at her MDO program. I love it. It represents the elements of Earth and Fire. It is a wonderfully symbolic object.

A beautiful breastfeeding Goddess ornament

I do believe we need a Yule tree this year just to display this wonderful creation.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Girly and Womyn Time

I was honored yesterday to have a visit from two young women from my old UU church. Lily and her sister Hannah are two very dear women. I remember the first time I met them as I led a meditation group at church. Lily works in the church nursery and I have missed her a lot. I feel like she is one of my own daughters. She has shown a lot of interest in herbs, essential oils, and other natural ways of looking at and dealing with life. I passed on a lot of samples to her and she also got the opportunity to talk to me and Lyn about non-toxic better for the environment menstrual products. She took with her a few charcoal bamboo pads and a menstrual cup. I hope I am not embarrassing her by talking about her. But, demystifying our normal cycles and our blood is the only way to help the next generation be more than the last....

Lily, you and Hannah are always welcome at my home. In any time of need we are here.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cotton collecting

It was a cool Sunday afternoon and I took most of the kids out to the cotton fields. Annika, Connor, and Danny were missed. I think they would have all enjoyed coming too. After we collected our cotton and I was able to communicate with the Earth for a bit we went to play at an indoor playground. All in all a nice family afternoon. Lyn collected a lot of cotton. She is convinced she can make something. I am sure she will succeed. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Sweet Grandbaby

As Lyn works I get to snuggle with Jaynie. ..
I am so proud of Lyn. She is raising her baby. Jaynie is fully breastfed. Lyn has a job. I am able to care for my grandchild so Lyn can be productive and meet her own needs and her child's needs. My mother has helped me and continues to help me with my children. I do not see it as a burden to help Lyn or any of my children as they have their own children. Lyn is pretty cool. She has a job, car, savings, college credit with more on the way, she is intelligent, she has goals in life. She is far ahead of the game compared to her peers. Raising her child without a father is her choice. She is choosing not to force the male that contributed to Jaynie's existence to participate. It is his choice to be absent. I am glad our society is at least halfway accepting of this choice especially when the mother is successful. Lyn can be nothing but successful. She may not feel this way sometimes but so many adults out there live off the system, other people, break laws to survive, or those adults are plainly not given the tools to succeed. That is not my Lyn!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015


How long has it been that I have been alone? A very long time.....

I needed to pick up a book at the library for work and found some extras for some continuing education I need to complete. Then I wandered into the science fiction and fantasy section. I used to practically live here a lifetime ago. I am sitting on the floor in front of one of my favorite authors, Anne McCaffery. I even allowed myself to pick out some fiction books. I don't watch the Game of Thrones TV show but I may try the book. I feel overwhelmed. I don't have any children with me. I feel guilty for not being with them every second I can but I feel I need to recharge sometimes. Today at work was emotionally challenging. I guess mothers need a time out to recharge too....

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Home delivery...

This season has brought illness to several people I know. I am happy to use the knowledge I have to help others naturally. Ginger kombucha, elderberry syrup, and elder tea...

Sweet sick Eliot

At the doctor's office....
The kids don't go to the doctor much but Eliot hasn't felt well for 2 days. Mainly to satisfy the school's requirements for her to return to school we stopped into the office. We generally see a nurse practitioner. That is fine with me. Let's see what is going on...
Well, she has a sore throat. It is a bit red and a little pus is present. Everyone would scream strep right? The quick test came back as negative. The nurse practioner was not available so we saw the family doctor in the practice. I insisted on the extended strep test. I was not going to give my child an antibiotic if she has a viral infection. We took the antibiotic prescription but the doctor supported my common sense that there was no reason to give it to Eliot unless she got worse or the extended test comes back positive. So far she has gotten better. I let her fever from 99 degrees up to 103 degrees run its course. I offered her kombucha, an herbal extract throat spray, and lots of fluids and TLC and you know what? The body can heal itself....

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Oh mom....

What Annika is reading....

Of course a 13 year old doesn't want her mother to take her picture. She was all excited to talk about the book though. She had read it in 5th grade when she had access to more books while living with me. She recently reread it and is looking forward to the next books in the series....

Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...