Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sweet sick Eliot

At the doctor's office....
The kids don't go to the doctor much but Eliot hasn't felt well for 2 days. Mainly to satisfy the school's requirements for her to return to school we stopped into the office. We generally see a nurse practitioner. That is fine with me. Let's see what is going on...
Well, she has a sore throat. It is a bit red and a little pus is present. Everyone would scream strep right? The quick test came back as negative. The nurse practioner was not available so we saw the family doctor in the practice. I insisted on the extended strep test. I was not going to give my child an antibiotic if she has a viral infection. We took the antibiotic prescription but the doctor supported my common sense that there was no reason to give it to Eliot unless she got worse or the extended test comes back positive. So far she has gotten better. I let her fever from 99 degrees up to 103 degrees run its course. I offered her kombucha, an herbal extract throat spray, and lots of fluids and TLC and you know what? The body can heal itself....

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Happy 24th Birthday Connor...

  There he is in-between two of his younger brothers.