Saturday, November 21, 2020

Work and working out...

 I needed to take a bteak physically and emotionally from teaching for a few weeks. I am not sure if I will have a job when and if I return but I have learned the hard way to step back before I break. I still have to have an income though and am working overnigjt home health a few nights a week. 2 nights gives me about the same hours as teaching partime. But I still need to maintain going to the pool. I waited so long to get in at Lakeshore and don't plan on loosing my scholarship. So, aftet working 12 hours I picked up breakfast at the grocery store at in the parking lot and worked out... A woman, Synovia,  that I met last week was there. I get depressed when I am thete because I feel alone or I remember a toxic job environment when I was thete and it spoils my mood. But, talking to her is always nice. Being 46 I am in the younger age bracket that comes there. She is too. It is nice to talk with someone new. 

On a side note, the flowers were still blooming in their new landscape area. The purple lavender like sage is very vice. I wish I could get it to grow so pretty. And the smell... so nice...

Another stop at the grocery store for pizzas and a little pampering from my hubby and hugs from the kids along with a nap and I am good to go for another night...

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Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...