Sunday, June 27, 2010

Learning in the grocery store

As always we are nearly out of bread, milk, and juice. I tried to slip past Evan asleep on the couch but no such luck. Evan and Eliot went to the grocery store. The grocery store is such a great place to work on social and language skills for young children. They have to follow so many age appropriate rules in a hyper stimulating environment that it is the ultimate practice ground for toddlers and preschoolers. I provide boundaries for the kids in the store but I also let them explore within their ability. This is how they will learn. If they sat in the shopping cart and never asked questions and never touched the world around them they would never learn how to interact with that world. In this picture they are holding onto some wax wrapped cheese. Eliot is jumping and using hers as a yo-yo.

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Happy 24th Birthday Connor...

  There he is in-between two of his younger brothers.