Monday, June 29, 2015

This past weekend...

Lyn has been such a great help lately. Nesting really becomes her and us so helpful to me. She is really good with kids. I believe she has my knack. She may not want to be an educator or teacher or even a caregiver of children other than her own but she is darn good. It would be an easy profession for her to pursue but she knows it is hard to raise a family on what teachers make unless they work in public school. I think she could teach high school....

Well, this weekend Lyn planted my new herbs and an aloe plant. The little kids call it a baby cactus. I guess it does look like one. That was our wild and crazy Friday night. Saturday after I finally got up we went to the library. I tried to get Annika to spend the night but she said maybe next weekend.  I am going to hold onto that. Saturday night Etta cried for hours. I nursed her a lot but then I just got too tired emotionally and physically. I knew she needed to comfort nurse but I cut her off. We were both very unhappy. I finally put her in her crib and had to leave her alone. I was exhausted. She finally slept about 40 minutes. She woke up screaming and I brought her back into my bed and nursed her. She slept a few hours and then our Sunday began. I had promised the kids we could go swimming so I drug myself out of bed and away we went. Etta loved the pool. With water wings even the boys got a bit more adventurous in the water. We had a nice time. I tried to nap later but it just didn't happen. Etta had several good naps though....

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