Elaina almost 18 months old and Etta Sophia one week old today. ...
I created this blog to allow anyone who wishes to follow the life and times of Susan Betke-Campbell and her family.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Barter or Blackmail?
Lyn really wants to go to a concert with friends. She cleaned the kitchen and my bathroom without being asked. Then she asked if she could go to the concert. I asked her to clean the girl's room, stuff and organize the cloth diapers, and take the little kids to the playground. She didn't flinch... Should I milk it more or just let her know I already decided she could go..?
Friday, November 29, 2013
Yule Log
Eliot's eyes look a little spooky in the photo but they enjoyed making the arraignment. I really like burning beeswax candles. They clean the air and just put out a warm light. We need to collect some fresh mistletoe to add to it and it will just be about right.
Yes, I am cute
Etta is pretty cute if I say so myself. She sleeps good as long as I am holding her just like a newborn should. She is nursing well. We are taking it easy and just hanging out at home. She is more alert everyday and definitely has regular sleep and waking periods. Overall she is a typical and wonderful baby. I really think having a natural birth has helped me bond quicker with Etta. Sweet baby welcome Earthside!!!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
I am 4 days old
Etta Sophia is 4 days old. She is doing really well. We are having good night's and naps. She is snuggling down with me and nursing all the time so I can rest. As long as she is on her mama she is happy. And all is right with the world.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Got milk?
Good latch Etta Sophia
Baby girl is nursing really well. She hasn't had too much trouble latching. My milk has come in quickly. She is almost totally finished passing meconium. Way to go sweet pea. I am about to pump a little milk to ease some slight pre-engorgment. The last thing I need is a blocked duct or mastitis.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Big Tiny Baby
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Welcome Little One
She is here!!! 7 pounds 1 ounce and 18.5 inches long of sweetness. Once I got to 5 centimeters or so things went quickly. We made it to the hospital by the time I was 6 centimeters. Right under 2 hours later our new daughter arrived. She was almost born in her sac. More details to come.....
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
When you run out of Thieves oil....
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
My sweet sleeping baby
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Oh what a night...
Homemade facial cream
Friday, November 15, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Such a wonderful gift...
I had a wonderful visit today with a friend. She raises chickens and makes wonderful canned friut. She shared several dozen eggs. The kids actually polished off one of the big jars of pears with dinner. Eggs for breakfast lunch and dinner tomorrow!! Yum...
Thank you dear friend. I shall raid your home again soon.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
A well seasoned turkey
What happens when your child in kindergarten is asked to decorate a turkey and her mother is an herbalist? Well, Eliot said her turkey is camouflaged and won't get eaten. I think is is just well seasoned!!!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Doula training and get together...
Now, what did I all make?
This is a special order... Hmmm, what is in it? Well, let's go from left to right. The first bottle with the label is a calming soothing oil that can be added to bath water or rubbed on the soles of a sick little one's feet or even used as a diaper rash soother. The second bottle with a dropper is lavender and feverfew tincture. A little goes a long way. Just a few drops added to warm tea or juice for a child over one will help them fight off a fever. It supports the body as it heals itself instead of just masking a fever. For infants a few drops added to a carrier oil like coconut oil and rubbed into the soles of the feet will have the same effect. I always add sock afterwards to keep bedding clean. The wide topped bottle holds arnica and eucalyptus infused oil. It is like a simple homemade "vapo-rub". It can be added to bath water or rubbed on the chest and back when a cold is causing congestion and / or cough. A little dabbed under the nose helps too. The next medium sized dropper bottle holds elderberry and fennel syrup. It soothes coughs and sore throats and plain tastes good. Elderberries have natural ant-viral properties. The largest dropper bottle holds elderberry tincture. It is strong and a few drops go a long way. It can be use to support the immune system on a regular basis or used when you feel illness coming on. A few drops added to any drink or just in your mouth do the trick everyday. A little extra when you are in the throes of say a bad cold or the flu. The tiny little bottles up front hold essential oil blends that naturally support health especially during cold season. One has RC which is a blend of several EOs and frankincense. Drops from this bottle can be added to a little coconut oil or other carrier oil and rubbed on the chest and back and the soles of the feet. It can be diffused or added to bath water also. A little goes a long way. It helps offer relief from congestion and cough. The other bottle holds stronger EOs that help fight infection in all forms. It contains some "hot" oils that absolutely have to be diluted with a carrier oil or they could burn sensitive skin. The EOs contained in it are oregano, lemongrass, rosemary, ocotea, ravinstara, cinnamon bark, and myrhh. I suggest trying one drop of this one at a time with plenty of carrier oil on an adult before a child. It works great but the oregano can be strong for some. I honestly believe it drove strep throat out of my house a few months ago....
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Fresh Elderberry and Fennel Syrup
I have so much fun making my potions and concoctions. And unfortunately and fortunately since I have a lot of friends with sick kids I sold out within 2 hours of posting about this batch. I can make more though...
Saturday, November 9, 2013
First fire of the season
Friday, November 8, 2013
Feeling closer to birth...
I have cleaned house a little yesterday and today. Not much but enough to get some clutter out of the way. I have been feeling very disconnected from life, family, and my pregnancy lately. Stresses of an uncertain future are my main blame.
I had my husband hang this small shelf in the bedroom today. I placed my lotus candle holder with a red candle in it. I also placed one of my mother figures that I think will be with me at birth. She is small and feels good in your hand. I may use her as a focal piece during labor.
I have missed my herb lore too. I just haven't been able to get into practicing unless I was making a remedy for friends or family. I need to do more symbolic work since it used to bring me so much joy. I think today I will work on a positive birth amulet or sachet.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Elaina is 17 months old today!
So hard to believe that this little baby is not so little anymore. She is technically still an infant and will be a big sister in a few weeks. She is covered in carrot cake not some exotic rash. She is getting over a long sort of strange illness. Probably just a cold gone wrong. She has spiked a fever in the evenings for about a week and had a cough and a little bit of a runny nose. Grumpiness and not being able to sleep were her biggest symptoms. I only wish I were still breastfeeding her. As soon as her new sister arrives I will try to get her to latch on to nurse again but I am OK if she will just take some breast milk in a bottle or a cup. This pregnancy robbed her of the time breast feeding that I wanted to give her. But we can play catch up. I really wanted her to have 2 full years of "mama milk" .
Monday, November 4, 2013
36 and a half weeks
I went to the maternity clinic today. Because the kids have been a bit sick as well as myself I didn't want to get them out lately so I missed my last two visits. It has been 3 weeks since I have been to the clinic. At my last visit all was well. Today was fine except that instead of measuring a little ahead I measured at 33 weeks. I pretty much had to beg my provider to palpate my belly to check little one's position. I really feel like she is in a transverse position. Turned out (no pun intended) she was head down and in a good position. That debunked my theory that I feel her small size or rather my belly's small size is due to her position. I have gained 33 pounds so I know at least I am eating. Now, is she getting what she needs? Of course they are concerned now that the baby may be experiencing growth retardation or my fluid level may be low. Next step is an ultrasound to check that out. I am not super keen on unnecessary ultrasounds but I agreed especially because of our earlier concerns of genetic problems. I will be going in next week for an ultrasound. We shall see how everything goes. I am only concerned if they find something. I am trying to not dwell on it all till I have more information.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Welcome November
Friday, November 1, 2013
36+ weeks
Getting closer. I know I am getting closer to meeting my little girl because all I want to do is eat junk food. I recognize this as a primal need to add fat to my diet to help with fetal brain development. I really should try harder to make healthy fat choices. Yesterday it was dairy kefir and mixed nuts (with a little Halloween candy swiped from the kids). Today I fear I may eat taquitos....
I have a sneaky feeling that baby girl (possible name today Etta Sophia) is in a breech position. I have missed my last maternity appointment due to car, childcare, and illness situations. I really want my provider to palpate and check Etta's position but she won't. She just wants to send me for an ultrasound. I don't like unnecessary procedures that results can be gleaned by less evasive means. I guess I will just get my Doula and Midwife student friends to check. I think I have mentioned it before but usually I can tell myself but this baby doesn't seem to be cooperating. I think she is small and doing somersaults. I cannot even imagine going through another C-section. That will devastate me emotionally.
Snow Day
We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...
Lately I have become bluntly aware how unusual it is to have more than 2, 3, or even 4 children. I am expecting my 7th child and apparently...
La Leche What? I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. I have always known about the group and knew they offered a lot of informat...