Saturday, March 14, 2015

A friend in need.....

I have a friend who is in financial need. She is an artist with an Etsy shop. She is a mom of 5 children. Her husband is looking for work. I have ordered from her shop several times. I particularly enjoy Goddess dolls. I have ordered some for church auctions, for meditation purposes, for my daughters, and even "won" one when I sponsored her last homebirth (they had to pay out of pocket for it). She is a painter also. Take a look at her shop and if you feel called to order something from her it will support her in supporting her family. She is a strong beautiful spirit and I am privileged to have her handmade objects gracing my home.

Here is a link to her Etsy shop...

1 comment:

  1. Her dolls are beautiful, I wish I could help out. Right now, we are barely getting by ourselves. All our money is being horded up for a move so my husband can start school in May. I do send your friend best wishes and warm hugs.


Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...