Thursday, May 30, 2013

So grateful for the little (and big) things

Being able to sit outside at 6:30am and enjoy the breeze before it warms up too much is a treat. The night before last I was determined NOT to nurse Elaina during the night. I offered her a bottle. Dad took over after he heard her screaming at me. He thought she was sick. She was just so maaaad at me. She kept trying to take my shirt off and then even hit at me. Needless to say, neither of us got any sleep. Now, last night I gave up and just followed what I always do. At around midnight when she woke up the first time I picked her up out of her crib and nursed her the rest of the night. She can pretty much find what she needs like a little puppy most of the night. She just isn't ready. She doesn't nurse much during the day so I can't really deny her her milk. Mama was just a bit touched out. Poor girl, she isn't even one yet and Mama was being so mean. Well, that's done!!!! Baby gets what baby wants.

Monday, May 27, 2013

So happy with a new purchase

This has been in our budget for at least 4 months now. We have been looking for a new van that would fit everyone for a while. Granny got in on the search and she found it. I still need to get the church name off of it but it is awesome! I feel so powerful when I drive it. And safe with plenty of room for big kids and car seats galore. We have 5 care seats and one booster seat in it with room to spare. I am itching to take a trip now. I took kids to the playground last week and all I can say is that I am so happy.

You can see it in the background... HUGE!

Elaina needed a nap after that wild ride. No, she didn't ride that way. I loosened her straps and sat with her till she awoke.

To the library again....

Yesterday afternoon when all the kids were home we headed to the library. I was so excited. I drove my new (old model) van. It seats 15!! And the air conditioner works great. I played with the littles in the preschool section as usual while the big kids collected books and media to check out. A pleasant surprise was that my MIL was there too. Evan and Eliot coned her into a sleepover so I left with 6 kids....

I got the schedule for the story times for the summer. We plan on attending some of them....

As usual Ben and Elaina enjoyed themselves in the play area.

Yes, she put them all back....


Missing the Moon

I haven't been able to get outside like I wanted to during this past full moon and I really felt the need to recharge from a tumultuous last few weeks. So, I headed to the woods. The little kids minus Elaina including Annika went to church with my mother on Sunday so I took my here eldest children to the woods. Lyn, Danny, and Connor went exploring on the hiking trails. I found a shady spot in the woods for my blanket. I brought with me a Mother Goddess figure, my meditation strand, and of course a candle. It was so peaceful. These are woods that I spent a great deal of my childhood in. I brought some oracle cards later after I had meditated for a while. The three card reading was spot on with my current situation and feelings. It stated my need for change, stop being the victim, and find your own center. I left my contract job as a Special Instructor wit Early Intervention. I am now a Nanny for a family. This allows me to be available to my family more. The woman I was working for was just too unprofessional and I could not take it anymore. New opportunities became available so I took them. I am also going back to school this summer. My classes are online so I am still there full time for the kids. I am adding to my BS degree in Socio-behavioral Science and my Master's degree in Education (ECE Infant / Toddler Development) with a BS degree in Community Health Education. That fits with my certification in lactation counseling (CLC) and my Herbalist profession. In the future I am looking at the possibility of becoming a Midwife.

The morning in the woods recharged me.....

My view
Danny and Lyn joined me in the woods. Connor preferred to stay on the trail.


A spider decided to join me

Magical view


Saturday, May 25, 2013

6 out of 8 rolling down the hill

As the day cooled off we walked down to the playground. It was Danny's idea to roll down the hill and everyone followed suit.....

That is what I call family fun.

Hanging out in the backyard

Such a pretty day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Circle of Learning - heavy vs. light


Circle of Learning


Today I worked on heavy verses light with the older littles and with plain ole "put it in" with the smallest littles. I chose several balls of varying weights. I let the kids explore the balls as I explained that some of the balls were heavy and some were light. I did not expect the vocabulary to be understood or picked up today but starting young is how children learn. Trial and error is how the kids figured out which balls would fall through the toy and which ones needed a flip of the handles to work the balls down. By the end of the day and several short direct instruction sessions lasting just a few minutes each the littles had the process down. They haven't memorized which balls are heaviest but once they realize a ball won't move they move the handle. I am proud of all of them.....


Sunday, May 19, 2013

New book for a new season

The mothering group I am a part of is starting a new session. This book should be a bit more light hearted than the last.....

We shall see.

The blackberries are on their way....

Eliot and I dropped off food for the Religious Education recognition brunch this morning at church. Of course we checked on the blackberries. The blackberry patch at our church is one of the biggest I have ever seen. Every year we collect some. Next Sunday should be a good time for basketfulls.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Really, am I ready to wean?

Being able to put  Elaina to sleep easily is a gift and pleasure. I am not sure if I am ready to give that up. She is a lot different than Ben. Well, all children are different nursers aren't they? She seems to be able to do without comfort nursing and only really wants me when she is thirsty. She likes her food and eats a variety. I want to keep her immunity up. She has only been to the doctor once when she was 2 weeks old just to meet the doctor. She hasn't had any shots yet. I was waiting to give her the few I feel she needs (I strongly believe parents have the choice when it comes to vaccinations) when she was weaned. My head of course knows the research and screams that I should keep breastfeeding for at least a year more but I am not sure Elaina and I will make it. I am not going to go cold turkey. Little one won't even be one year old till next month but the weaning process is in my head. I know it should be child led but mama is tired.....

Beautiful, healthy girl pruning my flowers. She deserves her milk but I may start cutting out daytime feeds and just nurse at night. That is when she gets her bulk of milk anyway.....

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ahh fresh herbs

Rue, lavender, purple basil, fennel, terragon and lemon balm....

The smell is sweet and spicy. A fresh end to a long week. I ended my contract position as a Special Instructor. I need more professionalism and less stress in my life. Well, that's done....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Mother's Day...

At least they are all in the picture....

That seems to be my mantra with the kids lately. They just never seem to cooperate at the same time.

I led Children's Chapel at church again. I enjoyed discussing motherhood but it was a long day.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Library AND the Buck Creek Festival today

Danny, Lyn, Connor, Annika, Evan, Eliot, and Ben and I all went to the library this morning. Baby Elaina stayed home with Daddy. We were going to stop off at the Buck Creek Festival for lunch and a bit of fun but Ben was wiped so I took him home first. Evan chose to stay home too. Lyn took off with friends at the festival. Danny and Connor mainly explored the booths and the creek. Annika and Eliot had a lot of fun on all of the rides. Annika was a virtual monkey on the rock wall. Everyone was tired when we got home. It was a good day.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

In with the new...

We finally changed out our Fall wreath. We collected new flowers and herbs from the yard. Eliot and Ben helped me take the dried plants off and add the new. The smell of the fennel, purple basil, lavender, rosemary is amazing. Why buy a fake synthetic wreath to celebrate the seasons when each year you can design one unique to fit what is growing in your yard.

Now that is how to find some cool shade...

Eliot, Elaina, and a friend made a wonderful "cave" under some linens that were drying. Since they were wet it made a wonderfully cool spot to play.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A blue candle of healing

My Annika is sick. It is testing week and it just wiped her out. Public school testing is not for the children. It is for grading the worth of the school. I am so tired of them pushing the kids so hard for something that does not effect their personal grades. She will stay home tomorrow and "oh well" about the testing she will miss.....

Monday, May 6, 2013

An epic writer in the house...

Annika is working on an epic poem for her talent show at school. She asked me what an epic poem actually was. Well, I explained it to her and I drug out some of the old literature books I bought at a thrift store nearly 25 years ago. I am so surprised at what she has written so far. My daughter is such a talented writer but I may be a bit prejudiced.... I say she takes after me....  :) (Not sure if my own mother would agree.)

I got this book thing under control

Elaina has been around books her whole life. She turned the pages on this regulr book easily. No ripping or anything. Such a big girl. I am sure if she found a book I was reading she would rip it to pieces though.....

Happy Monday....

This weekend was long and not as long as it needed to be. I missed the majority of my kids. Elaina is the only one who was home all weekend. Well, the kid has to eat. (She is still nursing.) Ben and Lyn spent alternating nights with their Granny and Evan and Eliot spent time with Grandma. Annika, Connor, and Danny were with their Dad. I worked some but on Saturday I enjoyed the last Spring session of the MUUMs group at church. Of course it is spelled MUUMs. It is a Unitarian Universalist church group. This Spring we read Chaos, Wonder and the Spiritual Adventure of Parenting.

I can't wait to see what the reading choice will be for the Summer.....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Annika!!! 11 years old....

Wow! 11 years ago my 2nd daughter was born. It really seems like yesterday. She has come a long way. She has started a lot of different types of therapies to assist with her various challenges and diagnoses but that doesn't stop her from having her first girl get together party.

This year it is all about dragons. She got some more Dragonology games and books and a dragon calendar. Oh, to be 11 again... Wait, I still read books about dragons!

Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...