Saturday, May 18, 2013

Really, am I ready to wean?

Being able to put  Elaina to sleep easily is a gift and pleasure. I am not sure if I am ready to give that up. She is a lot different than Ben. Well, all children are different nursers aren't they? She seems to be able to do without comfort nursing and only really wants me when she is thirsty. She likes her food and eats a variety. I want to keep her immunity up. She has only been to the doctor once when she was 2 weeks old just to meet the doctor. She hasn't had any shots yet. I was waiting to give her the few I feel she needs (I strongly believe parents have the choice when it comes to vaccinations) when she was weaned. My head of course knows the research and screams that I should keep breastfeeding for at least a year more but I am not sure Elaina and I will make it. I am not going to go cold turkey. Little one won't even be one year old till next month but the weaning process is in my head. I know it should be child led but mama is tired.....

Beautiful, healthy girl pruning my flowers. She deserves her milk but I may start cutting out daytime feeds and just nurse at night. That is when she gets her bulk of milk anyway.....

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Snow Day

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