Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A hard day....


Today started out OK. I checked Annika out of school for her routine blood work. Not a big deal... She used to be able to handle needles and procedures fine. Over the last year or so and especially over the summer she has lost her knack to do well at the doctor's office. It is a mixed blessing. She hasn't had to go very often until the past few months while when she was younger she went more regularly. Not having to go as much was a good thing. Well, she had two episodes that I will leave open ended in definition this weekend. I won't call them seizures since she was not hooked up to an EEG but they were something. Well, at the doctor's office she went into full blown panic attack mode. I guess her anxiety part of her mood disorder is what we will be focusing on right now. The doctor and staff were awesome throughout all of this. Her doctor took the time to research her needs and come to a solution. At least a solution to try for now.....

As for the book pictured here it is one we picked up at the book fair when I checked her out. She is very excited to read it together. We started in the waiting room and she was still talking about it after her after school program. I find it fitting.... hopefully magical breadcrumbs can help lead us to answers and solutions for her...

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