Saturday, March 30, 2019

Feeding Bob Ross, our turtle...

He likes worms. That is for sure....

"Mama, what did kids do before technology? " , said Eliot

They did exactly what you are doing now. Diging in the dirt, collecting worms for the turtle,  watching the birds, and climbing trees...

The 3 youngest girls helped change out the flowers at church. Spring is definitely in the air... The girls even spread wildflower seed in the back area of the church property that doesn't get mowed much.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lace headcovering

This veil was free on WISH. Please excuse my unkempt bathroom for the photos. This is a triangle veil. It comes in so many colors. I used bobby pins to stabilize it on top and one of my favorite scarf pins at my nape to kept it closed over my hair. The triangle ends can be worn in front or down you back more like a longer veil. This is going to be a more dressy favorite.

I need a bandaid!!

Elaina had a cut. Not an end of world one but she wanted a bandaid. I used one of the new natural ones I got made from sustainable materials that have a touch of coconut oil on the pad. All smiles now.

A day in the sun with 2 of the girls...

After working this morning I had time to get some yard work done with Eliot and Elaina. We also refilled the bird feeders and I set up my new teapot birdfeeder. It isn't quite hummingbird season but we are ready for them. I showed them how to pick a fresh red flower to draw their attention when just the fake ones on the feeder won't do. Then the girls turned into monkeys and climbed the pear tree in the front yard.

Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...