Saturday, July 13, 2013

MUUMs meeting today... a broken Mother

I wasn't going to go participate in the meeting today but after a really bad night emotionally and the fact that Lyn was working as childcare I had to at least drive her there. I usually invest a little time in making up a center piece for visual ambiance in the room during the meeting but I did not feel like putting too much effort into it all. I noticed one of my Mother figures around the house and she seemed perfect. She has always been one of my favorites but months ago the shelf she sat upon fell down. She broke in half and a chip is missing from her back. My husband is pretty good with super glue and put her back together. She is still broken but with all that I have been going through lately it seemed appropriate to have a "broken " but mended figure in the room. She is still beautiful. I shared a few of my feelings with my friends and newcomers in the group but no one except a really GOOD friend really knows my anguish...

Here she is in all her glory.

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Snow Day

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