Thursday, August 15, 2013

Natural Menstrual Help

My 14 year old daughter will probably be embarrassed that I shared what she is going through but I will anyway. It may help others going through the same thing. She is having two periods a month and on top of that some cramping and headaches. Nothing too bad but instead of just popping pills (acetaminophen) I want her to try treating her feelings and discomforts naturally. Since we have started using Young Living Oils in our home I made her up some essential oils with a carrier oil and put them into a bottle with a roller ball top. The combination oils in the Dragon Time oil hopefully will help Lyn decrease the frequency of her periods. Her maternal great-grandmother had two periods a month which I just found out a few months go. So, this may just be my daughter's normal. But it can be a bit bothersome to have two periods a month. I am very proud of her. She is not ashamed of menstruating and does not complain about what her mother (ME) deems as celebratory but she is low key and doesn't shy away from the topic. I am confident that she is a lot more knowledgably than I was at her age. I hope these oils help her. She is also planning on adding some sage and red raspberry leaf tea to her diet to help with the cramping and to help regulate her periods.

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