Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice

Today is the winter solstice. Nine years ago at 7:47am I welcomed my sweet second son, Connor, into this world. It was a cold icy early morning when we made it to the hospital just in time. He weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces. I use this day to talk to my kids about the importance of the change in seasons and the history behind the celebrations centered around this time. Here is a link to some history about the winter solstice. A book that we like to read on this day is The Shortest Day Celebrating the Winter Solstice by Wendy Pfeffer. It is a great book that covers all kinds of celebrations that center around this time of year. It also explains the science behind the change of seasons. At the end of the book it details a lot of winter activities and crafts for all ages. Check out for a more detailed review of the book.

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Happy 24th Birthday Connor...

  There he is in-between two of his younger brothers.