My oldest daughter really amazes me sometimes. She is mature and helpful. She is smart yet she doesn't have a chip on her shoulder like a lot of 13 year olds. She isn't perfect by any means. She doesn't get along with her 10 year old sister at all and she doesn't like math. But I am truly lucky she was born to me and in my life.
I created this blog to allow anyone who wishes to follow the life and times of Susan Betke-Campbell and her family.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Lyn winning the sharp shooter award at camp
My girl can shoot. It was only with bb guns but she did the best. She had a blast at camp. She is on her way to becoming a camp counselor one day.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Bottle labels
Monday, June 25, 2012
Almost 3 weeks old
Elaina weighs in at 8 pounds 1 ounce in a diaper.... We went to her first pediatrician's visit today. We were lucky to get in a practice where an old doctor of the kids' works. She used to work for a practice where the kids went for years till we were kicked out for not vaccinating on their schedule. Apparently this doctor didn't get along with the owner of the that old practice and was asked to leave. I am glad she is available to provide any medical care Elaina may need. She is one awesome doc and I am not quick to ever say that!!! We hung out at Granny's house afterwards and I had the best nap ever at her house.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Take a look at that chubby arm.... Little girl is still having some trouble with her latch but she is not lacking any mama milk. I have plenty of extra milk from pumping. I need to find a local mom who needs some for her baby....
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Impromptu picnic
Finally made up Elaina's wipe solution
I have been meaning to make some diaper area cleaning solution for Elaina and Ben. I finally made it today. I kept it simple. I added a quarter of liquid goat milk bath soap 3/4s water and a quarter teaspoon of coconut oil together in a spray bottle. I have hand fulls of cloth wipes. Some of them I bought when Ben was born. Some were given to me and some are scraps of flannel I cut from some of the kids' old pajamas. We are ready to go now for all the poopy. Elaina actually is getting a bit of a rash in her diaper area. She is the first one of my kids that ever got a rash this young. I have tried using 7th Generation diapers diapers on her but I think they are not agreeing with her. I have plenty of cloth diapers so I guess she will be wearing just those for a while to see if that helps.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Granny did it again
Last year my mother made up a picture frame with all of the kids' pictures in it plus one with all of them in it. Today she stopped by and dropped off a new one with Elaina added. She also took the photo of Elaina and me that Lyn took a few days ago and framed it. Thank you so much Granny!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Auction items from Motherly Creations
Be fruitful and multiply...
Happy Summer
2 Weeks Old
Elaina spent 2 hours with Granny today so I could work a little bit. Of course Granny had to take some pictures. Elaina looks so different in this one. We tried to weigh her and it looks like she weighs a little over 8.5 pounds. I need a real baby scale to see exactly. She is definitly growing.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Pumping and holding
When your baby needs to be held she needs to be held. Thanks to my hands free PumpEase band I can pump and hold Elaina on my chest in between my breasts. I just place a cloth diaper on top of the band to cover the clasps and tuck her in under my chin. If I were more well endowed with larger breasts I don't think I could pull this off. Elaina always goes straight to sleep when I hold her like this. I bet the swooshing of the pump sounds a lot like the rushing blood she heard in the womb.
I am just taking breastfeeding one day at a time. It is frustrating that professionally I help moms with the problems I am facing all the time. I have all of the answers to help them and I know how to help myself but theory and practice don't always go hand in hand. Elaina's mouth is so small and I am still sore so we are still having some latch issues. I ordered some of my favorite bottle nipples to help with latch training. I have had a lot of luck with the latex nipples made by Playtex. They are a bit hard to come by. I ordered some off of Amazon instead of running all around town looking for them. I prefer the latex because it is not as stiff as the silicon nipples. Nothing comes close to mom but these seem more natural. They just don't last as long. They are wide and help train little one to use a wider latch and suckle instead of just a lip based suck on the tip of a nipple. They go along with the drop in bottle system. I guess those bottles have a place but I think they are a bit wasteful. I will use them for a little bit till I get Elaina's latch under control
Sunday, June 17, 2012
11 days old
Saturday, June 16, 2012
37 years and counting
A lot of women have their first baby when they are my age. A lot of women have babies who are more out of shape than I am and more overweight. But for me recovering from this pregnancy is hard. I know it has been less than 2 weeks but I hurt. My body is stuck in pregnancy elephant mode and get everything back where it belongs mode. And I am stuck in the middle asking to be hit over the head. Time, time, time, that is what I need. I don't remember feeling this way with my other deliveries except Annika's whose was off the chart pain wise (c-section).
Thursday, June 14, 2012
My breastfeeding journey
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Herbal "kool-aid"
Herbal "kool-aid"??? What is that? OK, I started with red raspberry herbal tea as my base. I used this brand because it does not have any added ingredients other that a variety of herbs. It makes a very bright red colored tea. I used about 4 tea bags in 4 cups of water. I added a bag of chamomile to just round it out and help with digestion. I came across this black currant juice concentrate in the store a while back and thought it would add a richness to this mix. I added a quarter of a cup of it to an equal amount of water and added it to the tea. A little organic cane sugar was added and voila! Homemade herbal 'kool-aid" drink. It is real light and not too sweet. The kids seem to like it just fine. It tastes just like raspberries without all of the sugar of full juice or artificially flavored drinks. And the black currant juice has a good bit of calcium in it.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I am 6 days old
Elaina slept really well last night. She had her grumpy time after 10pm as usual when everyone was asleep. She was fed and I decided to swaddle her to see if that helped her calm down. It did. She woke halfway to eat once but slept till 5am. I was in shock. I am sure we will not see a repeat performance but, who knows.....
Monday, June 11, 2012
First WIC appointment for Elaina
What is that!?!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
One, two, and two.....
Using a breastpump is not the end of the world....
All is well
Friday, June 8, 2012
We are home and resting. I have so much to share. I will eventual share my birth story but I have to work through it first. I will say that my nurse, April, and Elaina's nurse, Misha, made this hospital experience bearable. If it were not for them I would probably be a basket case right now. I will be sharing photos on the blog for a while but my brain is a bit fried to go into a lot of detail of the past few days. I will get there.....
Thursday, June 7, 2012
My oldest daughter and my youngest...
Lyn came up with Granny to the hospital to visit with Elaina. It warmed my heart to be reminded how mature Lyn is sometimes. She has always been such a help and seeing her with Elaina made my day.....
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Baby Elaina is here
Now, when does a child ever decide to be born ON her due date? Today Elaina did.....
This is a horrible picture but it shows off her almost black hair.
She weighed in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 18 inches long. That is so small by my standards. My labor was OK but my actual birth I will have to work through before I post about it.
More photos and tidbits to come after I sleep and make it home.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Yes, more cloth diapers....
Snow Day
We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...
Lately I have become bluntly aware how unusual it is to have more than 2, 3, or even 4 children. I am expecting my 7th child and apparently...
La Leche What? I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. I have always known about the group and knew they offered a lot of informat...