Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A special order

I know of a great mom and blogger who makes the most beautiful dolls. She has made ones for me and my daughters. I need to order one for my newest daughter. As I think about what kind I want to order for Elaina I decided to order a new one for me. I have an idea of how to use a separate bead to represent each child. I also have a color scheme for my own elemental energies to be represented picked out. Here is a picture of the artist's work. You can take a look at more at her Etsy store.

Here are some of the items I will be sending her to help her create a new doll with a lot of meaning for me. It will help guide me and be used as a focal object when I am in a dark place looking for light. I have a bead that will represent each child and two that will be sewn into the doll that have meaning for me. The sachet will also be sewn into the doll. The items I placed in the sachet include....

wormwood- it banishes negative forces
salt- it banishes hostile influences
rosemary- it banishes hostile spirits
nettle- it helps on handle a crisis
marigold- used for protection
hawthorn-used for protection

I can't wait to see what she will look like.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thanks for the love Susan! I am excited to work on your doll!


Snow Day

 We got a few inches of snow last night. We had a snow day. The kids were out of school and I didn't have to go to work. Some kids went ...